military spouse weight gain, again and again

8 years ago I was dating a guy that was very co trolling and I eventually list myself. I went from 120 to 160 way fast and it took me a long tine to get it off, but I did. I swore I would NEVER get that big again. I tend to stay around 140 (boy I wish I was 140 right now). Now fast forward to 2010. Weighed about 145. Started dating a guy that I knew from high school in May, knowing all along that he swore into the Marine Corps back in April before we started dating. Knowing that he would be leaving for boot camp in December, we enjoyed what little tine we had together and I gained a few more pounds. Prob got to 150. During the time that Richard was away at boot camp, I also put myself through my own 3 month boot camp. I dropped down to about 135. I felt so great ans skinny for his boot graduation! We got to spend two weeks together until he was gone again. In may, I went to visit him in NC where he was at MCT. By this time, I had lost more weight, now down to 130. His MCT was for another 3 months but he could come visit during this time away. So for the 4th of July, he came home on a 96 and we got married. I was down to 125. Hadn't been that skinny since HS. Then everything changed. We found out that instead of us getting orders and being able to live together as husband and wife, as newly weds, he got stationed in Okinawa Japan for 2 years. Well, we made it through those two years and now I'm 175lbs. 15 lbs more than I swore I ever would be. I am down to 167 now but it's getting harder and harder to lose weight and easier to gain it. Being separated for pretty much the first 3 years of our relationship hasn't been easy in any way, shape, or form but we did it and now we are together. Seeing each other 20 days out of a year means that we celebrated, ate, and drank whatever we wanted. He can lose those 10lbs in a week. It takes me months to lose it. But I am going to do it. I've been using myfitnesspal, going to Zumba classes on base, and doing Jillian Micheals 30 day shred every week day. Well, that is my story, for now, until he gets deployed or another move.

i do have a question. I see people in the forums that have weight loss tracker things. How do i do that?


  • shelleydavies1991
    shelleydavies1991 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey, send you a friend request and a message. :flowerforyou:
  • mrzdew
    mrzdew Posts: 22 Member
    Hey! I'm a mil spouse (navy) and I'm currently stationed with my hubby in Japan. Trying to lose some weight before he returns from deployment! Sent a request! Good luck on your journey! You can do this!
  • mrsburntolive
    I'm a military spouse as well, I will add you :) I have about 50lbs to go so we can help each other out!... Not sure how to do the tracker thing, I'm pretty new to this as well. Let me know when you find out too!