Ugh...Jail Food is Terrible.

Well, I haven't lost any weight in a while. I'm losing some inches....but here's the deal.

I completed my first round of Insanity on September 29th. During which I lost 20 lbs and around 31 inches. Then...for the last 4 weeks I've been in jail. I get out for work release, so thankfully I can still get online to try and track the terrible food they serve. I know I'm still off when I input because I guess I'm basically maintaining. I'm still working out in jail, I've written down insanity work outs and have taken them in with me. I'm doing the max work outs 5 days a week.

I've also tried to eat oatmeal that I order from the commissary more often now. I have tried to switch out one meal a day with oatmeal and peanut butter, but sometimes I'm just hungry and decide to eat part of the meal that day.

The good news is that I haven't actually gained any weight. I'm still bouncing around from 149.4 to 150.2. Not too shabby. I'm just getting a bit frustrated that I haven't seen any decrease. :(

Am I correct in believing that the reason for the "plateau" would be such an abrupt switch from eating as little processed food as possible to BAM! nothing but processed food? I mean in the almost month I've been locked up we've had fresh fruit twice...and canned fruit once. WTF, right? The nurse there told me the last calculation of the daily calories was an average of 2800 a day! Holy, wow! That's almost double of what I was sticking to before I went in.

I try to eat fruit when I get to work and take a vitamin, but these workouts make me hungry!

Does anyone have any tips or suggestions to help me get through this next month?? I get out November 26th and I'd really like to see even just a few pound decrease in my weight!!


  • Boofuls
    Boofuls Posts: 47 Member
    Eat half of everything? Up your exercise?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'd guess that the reason isn't because the food is processed. Either you're eating more (unlikely seeing as it tastes horrible, although if it's high calorie density horrible you could be eating more calories in spite of eating a lower volume of food) or you're doing a lot less. I don't know how it is in prison but I'd imagine you'd be quite sedentary.... yes you're doing workouts but what about the rest of the time? Are you just sitting in a cell? If so then your activity calories are probably quite a bit lower than before, and that's probably why you're plateauing.
  • alipene
    alipene Posts: 945 Member
    If you are losing inches but not weight could it be that you are gaining muscle as you lose fat, since you are still working out?
  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    The 2.5 days I don't get out for work I'm more sedentary than I used to be. On nights I work it should be about the same as before. Except maybe 15-20 minutes of walking my small dog...
  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    If you are losing inches but not weight could it be that you are gaining muscle as you lose fat, since you are still working out?

    I'm still losing inches that's better than nothing, right? :wink:
  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    I don't know how it is in prison but I'd imagine you'd be quite sedentary...

    It's just jail...not prision :happy:
  • zensugi
    zensugi Posts: 76
    Could we send you a cake with fruit hidden inside?
  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    Could we send you a cake with fruit hidden inside?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That would be AWESOME!
  • BIW2012
    BIW2012 Posts: 97 Member
    I don't know how it is in prison but I'd imagine you'd be quite sedentary...

    It's just jail...not prision :happy:

    What's the difference?

    Well done on insanity - you made me think of doing it again. I started last month and hurt my back while doing the day 1 fitness test (not as unfit as that makes me sound!).

  • nikislynch
    nikislynch Posts: 1 Member
    Okay so I'll be the nosey one... why are you in jail?
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
    My bet is your plateau is caused by stress and inaccurate logging of your food because it's hard to tell what they've added to everything.

    Stress will do a number on you. Jail is certainly stressful. Just be glad you're not gaining. Do you best and focus on your goals. You'll get there. It's frustrating to not see a drop in numbers, but don't give up.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I don't know how it is in prison but I'd imagine you'd be quite sedentary...

    It's just jail...not prision :happy:

    What's the difference?

    Well done on insanity - you made me think of doing it again. I started last month and hurt my back while doing the day 1 fitness test (not as unfit as that makes me sound!).


    lol big difference between jail and prison. Good job keeping up with your workouts. I often hear that people tend to gain weight in jail.
  • Boofuls
    Boofuls Posts: 47 Member
    I didn't know they were different things - what is the difference?

    (I'm just nosy)
  • CindaWhite
    CindaWhite Posts: 104 Member
    Sorry too hear about your situation. Def agree stress is a factor. Do the best you can. Up your water if you can to help flush out some of the junk. Remember staying put is not going backwards, so if you aren't gaining you're still ahead. Try to be as active as possible when not actually working out. Good luck!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Prisons are set up for long-term sentences, whereas jails are set up for short-term sentences. Also, in prison, convicts are separated based upon what type of crime they committed. I have also been told that there are far more privileges and amenities in prison than in jail. Basically, you are in trouble if you are in jail, but if you are in prison, then you really effed up. I think that covers it. :)
  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    Prisons are set up for long-term sentences, whereas jails are set up for short-term sentences. Also, in prison, convicts are separated based upon what type of crime they committed. I have also been told that there are far more privileges and amenities in prison than in jail. Basically, you are in trouble if you are in jail, but if you are in prison, then you really effed up. I think that covers it. :)

    Haha...sounds about right....although I am kind of bummed there's no weight room in the jail...

    Also, thanks everyone! I've been trying to stay positive and even started meditating...we'll see how that goes! I guess I hadn't really thought about the stress since I've been pretty up beat through this so far. I can imagine I'm probably a teeny bit more stressed than I realize considering my "bed" is a 5 inch pad on a metal bench.

    @ CindaWhite, I love your post! Thank you!
  • CindaWhite
    CindaWhite Posts: 104 Member
    According to Websters...

    jail (noun)
    a prison, especially one for the detention of persons awaiting trial or convicted of minor offenses.

    a building for the confinement of persons held while awaiting trial, persons sentenced after conviction, etc.

    Can be confused: jail, prison.

    Seriously though, big difference. Jail is for minor offenses and work programs are privileges for trustworthy detainees... just sayin'
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    My ex boyfriend said he liked prison much more than jail purely because he had so many more privileges in prison. I went through a lengthy bad boy phase and made poor choices with men in the past. Long story. Lol.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    TOPIC: Ugh...Jail Food is Terrible.

    Try and think its just a tossed salad. Doesn't make it any better though.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    TOPIC: Ugh...Jail Food is Terrible.

    Try and think its just a tossed salad. Doesn't make it any better though.

    Lmfao! I heart Taunto.