hey guys. new fatty here. soon to be healthy

I been strugling with my weight for years. Highest I been was 320 this year. Lowest I been this year was 276 now I'm back up to 290.
I changed up my diet and going to start t25 monday and going to be lifting some heavh *kitten* weight.
I like motivationmotivational pics and videos and quotes. If u got anu share some.
Also I was in the market for a good calorie counter watch and HRM. Want something that will tell time. Have an alarm. Calorie counter and hrm. I think the polar ft4 or something is a good choice right? I can get one for 80 bucks. Any other recomendations? Nothing over 100 would be great but my highest is 150.
And thanks guys in advance.
Oh any t25 groups?? I wanna going one


  • mrsburntolive
    I'll add you... I really want to try T25, I've been contemplating buying it for weeks. Let me know how you like it!
  • Malachai76
    i'll add ya
  • seekroad
    Hi and welcome to mfp, i star using it 20 days ago and i like the fact that it does all the calculation for me. I also start T25 this week and about to finish the first week I LOVE IT, the fact that is only 25 minute a day I cant have any excuse not doing it, what I like is that you can modify the move, i do most of what TANIA is doing because i saw after the first day that I'm not really in shape but working hard on that.

    Add me if you want