help! got any indoor exercises you find fun?

i need an exercise that i find fun. and one that doesn't cost any money. and one that i don't need to go outside for. lately all i've been wanting to do is stay inside and write my novel and/or draw the characters from it. man do i wish i had an exercise bike. i could write while on it.

something that would enable me to at least make notes in my head or something would be a great idea. but anything that you find fun would be nice. thanks in advance!


  • davischiky
    davischiky Posts: 45 Member
    I dont know if this is fun but I enjoy walking (speed walking) on my treadmill.
  • BeSexy
    BeSexy Posts: 94
  • Rissa1428
    I agree with dancing.
  • sayuri1
    sayuri1 Posts: 111
    maybe you can dance? I personally love cardio workouts =)
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    If you have a Wii - there are games, Just Dance and Wii Fit Plus. Lots of people here do Jilian Michaels DVD's and like them - you can find pretty cheap at Target, Walmart and Costco. See if you have Fit TV or Exercise TV on your cable or satalitte. One is under Sports and Fitness in the On Demand - but it is Free. The other I get with my channels. Good luck!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I do a lot of dance aerobics, and CLEANING! Cleaning is definitely exercise! As for the aerobics, I go to you tube and find a Paul Eugene video. He's fun, full of energy, and I love him!
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Walmart has a stepper thing thats only about $30 (at least in my area) or a stationary bike I think would fit what you want, but you may need to save up some money for one. If you shop online you may be able to find a pedaler that you can use sitting in your regular chair. Its not perfect but would work. You could also do something like yoga or pilates at home and think about your novel while doing it. Well, good luck.
  • seltenreich1217
    seltenreich1217 Posts: 1 Member
    If you are good with the computer you can find Zumba videos and download them. They are fun to do and you can burn up to 1000 calories in a workout.
  • DancingDreamer
    thanks for all the suggestions you guys but i said costs NO money. as in i dont have a job so i cant afford anything. and i already dance (hence the name!) but i need something new. also i unfortunately only have one computer and its in the breakfast nook and i cant download videos on it because its OLD AS DIRT! i wish i could download zumba. i guess i'll just have to keep dancing and keep wishing that i could buy an exercise machine.

    i also dont have cable. i live with my parents who seem to be anti new technology....unless its just for them.....thats right i'm looking at you mom who has an iphone but doesnt know how to use it >:c
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I hate going to the gym and sometimes I don't feel like leaving the house if it's super icky. I do a ton of yoga, both the stretching kind and the more aerobic kind.

    These are about $15ish. I know you said no money, but this has lasted me seriously, for years and it never gets old.,k:ana+brett&keywords=ana+brett&ie=UTF8&qid=1287607478

    If you go to that link you'll find a ton of options there, super cheap. I <3 Dance the Chakras and Fat Free Yoga.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Sit ups, Squats, Push-ups (push up challenge!) and stretching never get old. Make your tummy burn!
  • xstarriexeyezx
    xstarriexeyezx Posts: 29 Member
    Hey doll, I know you said no money but you can get yoga balls here for like £5 if you could get hold of one of them or a space hopper and then just do all your work on that it would work you legs, back, tummy and core balance. I don't know if you would be able to get one just as cheap there but its basically a work out without having to work out :)
  • digitalyssa
    digitalyssa Posts: 112 Member
    Look up on the internet for home exersize, you could do chair dips, you could try one arm pushups with the other arm on a piece of slippery paper, squats (even jumping squats), planks, for cardio look up yoga sun salutations (it's a short sequence repeated fast to get your heart rate going) I could probably go on and on. But there is alot you could do if you get creative! :)