I WAS my FAT’s B**CH…

Two things happened recently. (This is a long one - sorry!)

1) My ample muffin top(s) unveiled themselves unknowingly to my almost five year old son. He looked at them with curiosity and with a great deal of concern and then asked, “Mommy, why does your skin look like that?” at the same time reaching his small precious fingers toward my “tops” to touch this strange part of Mommy. I paused and told him a pseudo-truth, “When you slouch your skin bunches up”. He nodded but I could see the look of disbelief as he stood up a bit taller and backed up still looking at my stomach that was now covered. I can still see the look on his face.

2) When I saw the craft store’s real-time security camera feed with an older heavy-set woman pushing a shopping cart with a child in its seat I dismissed it and carried on shopping. It wasn’t until my daughter said she could see herself waving “in the camera” I realized that older, heavy-set woman was ME. Reality hit me like an 80lb brick! (If I had been in a movie the camera would have zoomed in rapidly on my face that would hold a look of absolute shock & horror – think Sixteen Candles when Molly remembers that Farmer Ted has her undies!)

I am obese and that is my reality. It has become my identity. I hide behind it. I loathe myself because of it. I’m ashamed. I feel like a lesser person because of it. I punish myself 24/7 for letting myself become my fat’s ***** yet I keep eating hoping the quick “buzz” the empty calories give me will quiet the hate. I’ve let my life pass me by in many respects because – I am overweight, heavy-set, obese – oh the excuses. I’ve failed. The 80lbs+ I carry isn’t nearly as heavy as the hate I have for what I’ve allowed myself to become. It truly is a heavy burden. I wake with it, I eat with it, I think about it and I live with it. It has consumed me for far too long. My self-loathing has affected my marriage and friendships. It is always with me. I become physically ill and emotional when I have to get my picture taken. I’ve actually started crying in front of a formal photographer more than once. I have very few pictures with my twins. (In fact, I am certain they will think they were raised by wolves from birth to 5 years. Because having my husband and me in a picture with them is an extremely rare occurrence.)

Some of you will know the drill. I have been a serial WW member since I was 14. I join, lose weight then gain it back (I end up paying this multi-million dollar company to gain weight… HELLOOOOOO!!) and I’ve done this on two continents. When I was 12 my mother put me on a “cut back”. I remember our weekly weigh-ins. At that time I was not obese but I was overweight compared to my peers.

I might be my fat’s ***** but food is my GIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL!!! She’s my go to. Tired, sad, hungry, pissed-off, she’s who I go to time after time even though she makes me miserable. The ultimate Mean Girl! She makes me feel better, whatever my ailment, but 2 minutes later “she” can make you feel like trash.

I am confiding in you today because I don’t want to waste any more time and I am so tired of carrying around the hate. I do not want to be my fat’s ***** any longer. I want food to be a true friend. I want to be a real part of the MFP community and take advantage of the support that is out there - and give it back too. Please message me if you want a POC (Partner in Crime). I’m in it for real this time. I want to start living to enjoy my great life, for my great husband and awesome kids (AND FOR ME!). Dani xo


  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    You can do it!
  • DaniDC28
    DaniDC28 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks! I'm going too! ;) You are doing great BTW!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You took a great step towards changing! You can do this! Log accurately and be patient! Good luck!!
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    Dani, I love this. I love your attitude and honest reflection. You can do it!
  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    I know the feeling. I am an emotional eater. Admitting that is a huge help by the way. Most of the time now when I want to reach for the chips, cake, anything, I say you are not hungry you are upset. Sometimes it works and I find other ways of coping, but I still have times that I will be upset and "eating about it". I'll even think to myself while eating, "what and the amount of what you're eating is gross and you're going to regret it and get more upset when you're done." but I keep shoveling.

    It's a long journey and no one is perfect, but change is possible! You can do it girl! MFPal is here to offer help. Feel free to friend me is you would like.
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Wow, I couldn't have expressed my feelings any better! Sincerely, I applaud your story and understand because it so closely mimics my own. Thank you very much for sharing!
  • DaniDC28
    DaniDC28 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks Kealey! We can do this!!!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Thanks for sharing such a personal story. You CAN do it.
    Take YOUR life back. The time is now. Do it for you, your husband, and those two adorable kids.

    One step at a time.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    You can totally do it, look in the success stories and see. Take pictures ....TODAY, its for your success story later.
  • lessofless
    lessofless Posts: 40 Member
    Great story. I like your motivation. I feel like that too. Now it's time to make fat your *****!
  • madaleingericke
    madaleingericke Posts: 49 Member
    You are an exceptionally talented writer!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i think you are awesome. you can do it. one day at a time and be gentle with yourself.
  • tjl53
    tjl53 Posts: 4
    This was a good first step, keep it up, you are a great writer, keep us posted on your progress.
  • dmroz35543
    I am really glad I found this site. you know you are not alone! The fact is that we have to be accountable which is easier said than done and I believe that this website is a good place where we can help each other. You can do whatever you put your mind to do. Ask yourself a few questions. Do you keep healthy foods in the house. If I have junk, I will eat it no matter how hard I try to stay away from it, I say take baby steps like eliminating some foods that are triggers and replacing it with something healthier. Or make it a family event by taking your kids walking with you in a park or bike trail. Just know that you are not alone and others are struggling with you. Plus you can always vent here and know that someone will understand and be there to encourage you onward.
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    Oh those horrid store cams. I never know who I'm going to see in them -- but it certainly isn't the same woman I see in the mirror at home!

    yes, I live in denial. But I look GOOOOOD.


    Friend request sent.
  • toridehaven
    Man it's like I am reading my own life story! Picture nightmares and all! Hang in there though we can all make the changes necessary to be healthy people. Add me if you'd like I could use the support and I would love to give it!
  • DaniDC28
    DaniDC28 Posts: 83 Member
    i think you are awesome. you can do it. one day at a time and be gentle with yourself.

    Thanks! :blushing:You are doing great! An inspiration!
  • DaniDC28
    DaniDC28 Posts: 83 Member
    You can totally do it, look in the success stories and see. Take pictures ....TODAY, its for your success story later.

    Thanks for the support! I'll take those pictures!
  • DaniDC28
    DaniDC28 Posts: 83 Member
    You are an exceptionally talented writer!

    Thanks! :blushing:
  • DaniDC28
    DaniDC28 Posts: 83 Member
    This was a good first step, keep it up, you are a great writer, keep us posted on your progress.

    Thanks! I will!
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