Confused and not losing

Ok ... so I have read about TDEE and net calories and BMR and thought I had it...apparently not because I am not losing weight.
My general understanding is that you need to eat 3500 fewer calories to lose one pound....sounds easy enough
And I did it but I am not losing
My calorie count is set at 1200 cal, and my BMR is 1410 with a TDEE of 1725 for sedentary (I work out 4 days a week but sit at a desk most of the day otherwise). If I am expending approximately 400-500 cal for exercise 4 days a week I should be losing more than 0.2 pounds a week...I would think.
Am I missing something. I am very frustrated.
Only constructive suggestions please, derrogatory comments are not helpful. I am trying to learn and silly comments hurt they don't help.
I will open my diary to friends...(for security reasons I will not open it to all).
An FYI I am vegan as well


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Do you eat extra for the 400-500 calorie workout days ?
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    You might be at too high of a deficient. Are you eating back exercise calories? If you only have 8lbs to go, your setting should be only set to lose .5lbs/week and you should net that amount every day.
  • inukshuk1960
    inukshuk1960 Posts: 27 Member
    No I have not been eating back the exercise points....I guess I am not getting it, the point (at least with WW) was to eat fewer calories and tehn exercise often...and I have done that but am not losing
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    But MFP is SLIGHTLY different. My mom and I did this together. I followed MFP rules, she followed WW rules (the one before fruits and veggies were "free"). We both started out at 180 (she was 59 and 5'4, I was 33 and 5'11). By the time we got to June, both of us were around 150. I got to eat more (probably because I'm so much taller) but we had the same results in the same amount of time)

    Anywho. I really can't explain it. I've always followed MFP recommendations for losing .5lbs a week (for me that 1620) and ate back 1/2 my exercise calories and the pounds came off and I'm full and happy and not feeling like I'm spinning my wheels.
  • coreylwreed
    coreylwreed Posts: 1 Member
    yeah what the guy above me sounds right. When i was doing insanity i think i was only burning like 350 and intaking more but when i started hitting the gym i upped it to 1100 and i only get 1538 so that gives me 2638 a day not counting my weight lifting which i recently started doing so from april 2013 until now 49lbs. my weight loss increased when i increased how much i burned.
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    You are not eating enough and your body is holding on to every calorie because your NET calories are way below your BMR if you what you say is true You should be NETTING minimum your BMR calories everyday (So if your BMR is 1410 your NET calories should not be less than 1410)Your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, is the minimum calorific requirement needed to sustain life in a resting individual. It can be looked at as being the amount of energy (measured in calories) expended by the body to remain in bed asleep all day!

    Example what you are doing 1200 calories eaten - 500 calories exercise = 700 NET calories ( the amount of calories that your body is actually getting!)

    In reality you should try NEtting your BMR for the day
    Set MFP calorie goals to 1410

    You eat 1410 calories, you go to workout worked off 500 calories, your body now thinks you only have 910 NET calories, eat calories back 500 you now have NET 1410 calories.


    Set your calorie goal in MFP to your TDEE dependant on your activity level- this will stay the same EVERYDAY
    eat those calories everyday
    BMR X 1.55 = 1410 X 1.55 = 2185 calories you'd eat everyday as long as you are consistent with your activity.

    Reducing calories by 15-20% below TDEE is a good place to start so 1748 TOTAL calories (This method you DO NOT eat back your exercise calories)


    Simple method
    Fat loss = 12-13 calories per lb. of bodyweight

    I suggest reading some of the material in TOPIC: LINKS in MFP you want to read again (and again)
    Hope this helps and good luck on your journey
  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    But MFP is SLIGHTLY different. My mom and I did this together. I followed MFP rules, she followed WW rules (the one before fruits and veggies were "free"). We both started out at 180 (she was 59 and 5'4, I was 33 and 5'11). By the time we got to June, both of us were around 150. I got to eat more (probably because I'm so much taller) but we had the same results in the same amount of time)

    Anywho. I really can't explain it. I've always followed MFP recommendations for losing .5lbs a week (for me that 1620) and ate back 1/2 my exercise calories and the pounds came off and I'm full and happy and not feeling like I'm spinning my wheels.

    kristen6022, If she is doing TDEE instead of MFP, she shouldn't eat back calories.

    OP, If your TDEE is 1725 and you eat 20% less than that, you should be at 1380.

    How long have you been at it? Keep in mind that weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you will not lose any weight and others you will lose more weight than your goal.

    Also, make sure that you accurately log your food. Weigh it for accuracy. If you are estimating things, you could be way off, especially on calorie dense foods like nuts, oils, and peanutbutter.

    Just log accurately and stay consistent and be patient and the weight loss will come.

    Best of luck to you!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    eat mo-it works....
  • acoxmn
    acoxmn Posts: 1
    I totally know how you feel. But sometimes eating less and working out just doesn't cut it. I've learned recently that based on your genes you body will respond best to certain things better than others. For example the low carb diet doesn't work for everyone, and some people actually will gain weight on certain diets because that is not what their body needs. Some people will also respond better to a low impact workout than a 5 mile run. It all depends on your genes. And with the new technology that people are working on, there are actually some really helpful tools to figure out just what your genes are telling you they need. If you want to message me privately and I can talk to you about it some more. But either way, your doing an awesome job and keep up the good work! I don't think I could ever do a vegan diet. SO even more props to you on that!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    You need to eat back your exercise calories, especially if you're sticking to a 1200 calorie diet. Try eating back half your exercise calories to begin with and see how you do. Give it a month and see what happens. I used to think that losing weight was just eat as little as possible and work out as much as possible and the math works itself out. That was so very wrong. Don't be fooled by math.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Having too large a deficit can be counterproductive. MFP is designed for you to eat your exercise calories back (formula can be found on the goals page). It calculates you at a deficit to begin with.

    If you follow TDEE -20%, than that includes exercise cals so you don't log and eat back the cals. People doing this method tend to log their exercise at 1 cal, but you are doing way below tdee -20% it seems. (And no, bmr and tdee are not the same thing).

    So pick a method (MFP or TDEE -20% - not BMR) and stick with it for 4-6 weeks then adjust accordingly. Make sure to get a food scale if you aren't using one already.

    Here's some extra reading if you are interested with some other tips and suggestions.

    ETA: with only 8lbs left to go (about), I also suggest making sure activity level is correct and your weekly loss goal is set to 0.5lbs/week. MFP is probably giving you the 1200 because you chose sedentary or/and 1-2lb/week loss.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    But MFP is SLIGHTLY different. My mom and I did this together. I followed MFP rules, she followed WW rules (the one before fruits and veggies were "free"). We both started out at 180 (she was 59 and 5'4, I was 33 and 5'11). By the time we got to June, both of us were around 150. I got to eat more (probably because I'm so much taller) but we had the same results in the same amount of time)

    Anywho. I really can't explain it. I've always followed MFP recommendations for losing .5lbs a week (for me that 1620) and ate back 1/2 my exercise calories and the pounds came off and I'm full and happy and not feeling like I'm spinning my wheels.

    kristen6022, If she is doing TDEE instead of MFP, she shouldn't eat back calories.

    OP, If your TDEE is 1725 and you eat 20% less than that, you should be at 1380.

    How long have you been at it? Keep in mind that weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you will not lose any weight and others you will lose more weight than your goal.

    Also, make sure that you accurately log your food. Weigh it for accuracy. If you are estimating things, you could be way off, especially on calorie dense foods like nuts, oils, and peanutbutter.

    Just log accurately and stay consistent and be patient and the weight loss will come.

    Best of luck to you!

    But she wasn't doing TDEE - 20%, she's eating 1200 calories. Which would mean if she ate 1200 and burned off 400, she's netting 800, which most of us know is a No No.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I totally know how you feel. But sometimes eating less and working out just doesn't cut it. I've learned recently that based on your genes you body will respond best to certain things better than others. For example the low carb diet doesn't work for everyone, and some people actually will gain weight on certain diets because that is not what their body needs. Some people will also respond better to a low impact workout than a 5 mile run. It all depends on your genes. And with the new technology that people are working on, there are actually some really helpful tools to figure out just what your genes are telling you they need. If you want to message me privately and I can talk to you about it some more. But either way, your doing an awesome job and keep up the good work! I don't think I could ever do a vegan diet. SO even more props to you on that!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    I've learned recently that based on your genes you body will respond best to certain things better than others.

    Assuming that I read that right, have you got any links?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Your post is confusing, because I cannot tell how much you are actually eating. Since you won't open your diary, there is not a lot I can do except to suggest that your numbers are off somewhere. That you are either eating too much, or not burning as much as you think.

    Best of luck!
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    kristen6022, If she is doing TDEE instead of MFP, she shouldn't eat back calories.

    OP, If your TDEE is 1725 and you eat 20% less than that, you should be at 1380.

    How long have you been at it? Keep in mind that weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you will not lose any weight and others you will lose more weight than your goal.

    Also, make sure that you accurately log your food. Weigh it for accuracy. If you are estimating things, you could be way off, especially on calorie dense foods like nuts, oils, and peanutbutter.

    Just log accurately and stay consistent and be patient and the weight loss will come.

    Best of luck to you!

    You clearly failed to comprehend the OP if you even read it.

    BMR is clearly stated. Daily MFP Calorie goal is clearly stated and is clearly under BMR.

    TDEE is not examined at all. TDEE, sedentary, of 1725+400 or 500 is a TDEE of 2125 or 2225. Subtract 20% from that and you've got at least 1700. Thanks for trying.
  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    You clearly failed to comprehend the OP if you even read it.

    BMR is clearly stated. Daily MFP Calorie goal is clearly stated and is clearly under BMR.

    TDEE is not examined at all. TDEE, sedentary, of 1725+400 or 500 is a TDEE of 2125 or 2225. Subtract 20% from that and you've got at least 1700. Thanks for trying.

    Either way, she will lose weight if accurately logging and eating the amount of calories she says she is eating.

    She is certainly not stalled because she is not eating enough. If you eat at a deficit, you lose, period.

    To use TDEE correctly, she would calculate it with her amount of exercise, agreed, but you clearly don't understand TDEE. Thanks for playing though.
  • Traineight
    Traineight Posts: 17 Member
    Great reply, Sunflower
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    You are either eating more than you think you are, working out less than you think you are, or you have your everyday activity level set too high.

    Do you weigh your food when you log? Do you log consistently? Do you log everything?