Advice please!

Hello everyone! I'm Alana and I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Between doing weight watchers, nutrisystem, and visiting many nutritionists, I'm so stuck. I workout all the time but never see any results. I weigh 162 lbs and I would like be to 140 or 130. Getting these pounds off is such a struggle. I go through a cycle of trying, giving up and then trying again. Please tell me something I could do to get these pounds off for good. Thank you :)


  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    eat fewer calories than you expend in a day.

    no matter what some people here say you don't need to eat clean, eat paleo, eat low-carb or any crap like that to lose weight.

    it's also important to identify WHY you keep failing and giving up.
    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    i think it has been a big psychological journey for me to lose weight. i am currently modified paleo, but honestly, it is the mental part that has helped me most. i had 4 miscarriages and i was SO ANGRY with my body, i unconsciously did whatever i could to "get back" at my body for failing me. i would eat in secret (really crappy foods) and not take care of myself. i finally decided that i was in control, and i literally woke up one day and said, I AM GOING TO BE HEALTHY! my mom had a heart attack and stroke, i do NOT want that to happen to me. of course we can't control everything, but i am sure going to try! i have lost 20 lbs. and i had my cholesterol screen today to see if i have lowered it w/o drugs or meds. i think the previous post was right - identify why you keep failing. :smile: