Weird hip problem

Hey all! I do a class on M/W/F and on occasion, we will do deep squats (just bodyweight) as part of our workout. When we do these, the instructor wants our feet spread a bit and toes pointed out to allow us to get deep in the squat. Here is my problem. My left foot is really pigeon toed so turning it out feels really awkward. I've started noticing that whenever we have to do deep squats or even just lunges (where the toes just point forward), my left hip will be sore afterwards. Any suggestions on how to combat this?? It's not super painful to the point where I can't walk or anything, it's just uncomfortable for the rest of the day. I'm wondering if it's something that I will eventually get used to or if it will always be an issue...


  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    Do you do stretches after the workout?
  • tirola
    tirola Posts: 74 Member
    I do. We usually spend the last 10 minutes of class cooling down and stretching.
  • creatureofthewind
    Weird. I have the same problem. I don't work out like I would like to, but i am very active through out the day. I just kinda go through the pain and it gets better.
  • Gkfrkv
    Gkfrkv Posts: 120
    I have a similar problem, but for me it's because (english is not my first language, and i don't knew medical terms) the connection between the top of my hip and my pelvis is to shallow. For me it means that at some point I'm going to have my hip replaced, just like my mom and my grandmother.

    It could be muscular, but I would go see your doctor and have it checked out.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Speaking from experience, if you're experiencing pain that is unrelated to normal muscle soreness from workouts, then I'd stop doing whatever is causing it. If you give it a break & try to return to it & the same thing happens, then I just wouldn't do it. Don't want to end up w/worse problems because you're aggravating a condition. There's plenty of other exercises you can do, to work those muscles, that don't involve that movement.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Do this routine a couple times per week.

    What you are describing is very common and this routine has helped a lot of people with it.