60 yo and just started gym

I and 60 years old and have just started gym to lose the 20 kg that has crept on over the last few years. Mostly I am ignored and only one person has spoken to me apart from the instructors. I feel a bit like a leper so now I will lose the smile and do the same. Even a couple of of people around my own age completely ignore me. Is this how everyone acts in gyms? I realise everyone just puts their head down and gets on with it but making me feel invisible is a new experience for me. Anyone else get this?


  • eileenjez
    eileenjez Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, I know what you are talking about. I joined a gym about a year ago but haven't used it because of the same feeling. Now my daughter goes with me so I have someone to talk to and workout with. Is there anyone close by you that could go with you? They also have aerobic classes for us older folks, I'm 63. Although I don't talk with the women in the class at least we do acknowledge each other and say hi. I just started this class so I guess it might take a little time. The class is for "Over 50's" but my daughter who is 39 goes too and is enjoying it.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I'm younger than you, but folks don't talk much outside of the locker room, imho. Of course, I was pretty focused on what I was doing myself. I don't like to talk when doing weights (in between is OK). The classes I took have classes in the same room after so we had to leave fast, etc.

    But we got all chatty in the locker room! And that jacuzzi - I could sit there all day and chat with folks :D Some folks in the locker room don't want to talk, of course, but many are in the mood. Ask them what classes they like or what have you.

    Gyms have different cultures, so the clientele might not be your thing, too. I went to the Y, so there were lots of 'types' and easier to find like-minded folks :) Good luck! I certainly enjoyed talking to the older members. It's the college gym bunnies I don't always get along with, lol ;)
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    I suggest going to the group meetings, you can usually make friends there. If your gym has training groups, go to those.
    Personally, I like going alone because my boyfriend tends to want to leave before I'm ready to go, so I made a deal with him that when we go together, he goes and relaxes in the hot tub for a while, then rests up, then does his thing, so that I have time to do my own lol.

    But in general, I've noticed that a lot of the people are the gym seem to be really grumpy for some odd reason. Like "Why am I here" shows all across their faces. Just odd lol.
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    i personally go out of my way to avoid people at the gym, i like to keep it short and sweet.
  • I wouldn't worry too much about how people treat or don't treat you at the gym. Your primary goal is to meet your fitness goals. While making friends is always great, it is a secondary objective. And if they don't want to talk to you, why bother with them in the first place :)

    Just my two cents.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    younger than you but to be honest when I am at the gym I want to work out not chat. If you want to make friends too I would suggest things like running groups (my gym has it's own) or a weightloss group which would be more about motivation and probably encourage more friendliness. Or try social dance, I go to modern jive every week and most people who start lose weight as it is good activity and it is partner dancing so you meet all sorts of people.

    Other than that I would think maybe classes in the day time at the gym would be a bit more sociable as people might have a bit more time then. Before or after work I think most people just want to get done and get on with their day.
  • Thanks for the replies. I don't need to chit chat with the people at the gym, I just meant a nod or some sort of acknowledgement would be fine but I'm over it now. I will do the same and just mind my own business. This site says I need a 1200 calorie meal when others say 1600. Since calories and diets have never been something I have followed until now, how do I know which is correct? Thanks.
  • If you're trying to lose weight, the minimum calorie intake would be 1200 calories, and doing a decent workout at the gym, will def see results.
    They say for females a 1200 calorie diet if we want to lose weight, which is what I'm on as well.
    For the record, I get what you mean about the gym, and the people within it.
  • Thanks aussied67. Glad I'm not alone. What exercise do you do per week and how long have you been on the 1200 calorie and how long at the gym and how much have you lost if you don't mind sharing?
  • GoRun2
    GoRun2 Posts: 448 Member
    to meet people at the gym, take a class multiple times. You start the conversation with someone before the class. It takes awhile to fine someone that wants to chat.