Help please!!!

Hey! I was wondering if someone could have a look at my diary and tell me things I could add to it since I don't eat a lot of calories, thanks! I know I'm not high on protein but the thing is im not a massive fan of meat or anything like that


  • Florameg456
    Florameg456 Posts: 71 Member
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    If you don't like meat then you need to find alternative sources of protein (peanut/nut butters, beans, eggs, etc.). As far as calories, the first thing you can do is stop eating fat free, lower than low, skim, low fat versions of foods. Eat the regular mayos, cheeses, & milks.

    You def. need a few more calories in your days and this will add the calories you need with filling you up anymore.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    You need to add more calories for one. The calorie goal is a goal, and you should try your best to meet it, not just stay under it. There's no reason to eat 300+ calories short most days.

    Second, you are low on protein, yes, but you are VERY low on fat. Fat is important to normal body functions, especially vitamin absorption. You can knock out two issues in one shot here - fats are high in calories, so they will help you raise your intake without adding much volume of food. Good sources of fat are nuts, full-fat diary products, avocado, and fatty fish.

    Third, if you aren't a huge fan of meat but want to increase your protein, you can try supplementing with protein powder. I'm the same way, and I definitely rely on shakes to boost my protein. Once again, you can knock out all three issues here. Add a protein shake made with whole milk, and you've added protein, fat, and calories in one small addition to your diet.
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    Do you feel full at the end of each day? Are you feeling good and healthy? If so, then I wouldn't worry too much about being under MFP's calorie goals. Your body can burn body fat for fuel without relying on ingested calories (not saying I'm advocating this strategy, but if you're feeling great and aren't having any ill effects whatsoever it clearly works for your body).

    That said, my personal opinion (based solely on my food beliefs so they're by no means hard and fast rules) is that you would benefit from eating more whole foods and fewer processed foods. Eating whole foods let you cut out a lot of the food additives in processed foods that at best are just filler and at worst are actually harmful to your system. You also eat very little fat and protein; these are essential nutrients for your body to be healthy so don't be afraid of them, fat especially (since you incredibly small amounts of fat a day).

    In my opinion, the best thing would be to experiment with different foods and eating styles to find something that truly makes you feel happy and healthy. I'm assuming you're asking for help because you don't feel you've reached this goal on your current lifestyle so change things up - all doing the same thing will get you is the same results.