Becoming a freak! AHHHHH!



  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    I don't have much in the way of advice but my body is doing the EXACT same thing! It's so frustrating....just know you're not alone and hang in there.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    If you lack the upper body strength, start doing crunches and increase the amount you do by 1 every day. Small goals are easy to meet.

    I'm not ready to get into crunches just yet, but I really liked this advice. I think I will do this when I start, I also push myself, and then can't do anything for like a week. lol
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    I would be concerned that it is the 'bad' fat around your organs. It is the first fat to go though, with aerobic activity. Typically for women, the belly fat is the first to reduce, whereas for men, it is the last.

    I don't think this is accurate, Belly fat is the HARDEST to lose for EVERYONE. Maybe men have it easier but it will not be an easy road. Just keep trying, do some ab exercises.

    Go to this site
    they have a ton of different workouts and it may have something you like in the ab section.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    This is what I was talking about regarding the two types of body fat and which is bad, and how to reduce it.
  • jadedbunny28
    This is the best I can tell will look freakish for period of time, as my good friend and work out buddy, Chris, said to me last night. LOL. In losing almost a hundred pounds, I can tell you that there were times I thought, "My, how slender my thighs look in comparision to the rest of my body." I am currently having a moment where I find that they are one of the largest things in comparision to the rest of my body. My friend Chris and I have both lost a significant amount of weight, and the best I can tell you is that you will see it all come off of one area at one time (so it seems). Then suddnely, another area will drop. Don't get discouraged. The out-of-proportioness will get better. This week you'll hate your stomach, next week it might be your butt. But you have to stick with it to get anywhere. And eventually, all of you will be nice and slender. I know...I'm hating my tummy right now, too. But when I think about how bad it used to be, I guess it's not so bad afterall. :)