Starting Nov. 4th!~ 30 day (4 week) Fitness Challenge!

Hi all!

I've recently taken a break from working out (except for teaching my weekly Zumba class) as I just finished a 10 week program (Focus T25) and am gearing up to start another on November 4th (however I might get a jump start on it Monday the 28th!) I'll be doing an at home workout program called Turbo Fire.

Anyone interested in starting a 30 day challenge with me? Any program will do, it's just being accountable with others and staying motivated is key.

Who wants to join me?!?!?!

Fit for life!!!!!


  • natalieyeo39
    natalieyeo39 Posts: 90 Member
    i woul love to join! I'm on D6 of the 30DS, but my gym membership is expiring at the end of the month so I'm putting the program aside to go to the gym almost everyday :) ill be restarting on nov 1 and doing a rest day once a week, but I plan to do 2 cycles of the 30DS anyway!
  • AngNY
    AngNY Posts: 193
    I would like to join :) !!
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    Count me in!!
  • MissFlab2Fab2014
    Add me! I started Focus T25 on the 21st of this month... but I'd love to have a 30 day challenge. I'll start beta right before Thanksgiving so def. good idea to have the added motivation :)
  • squekrs
    Excellent! LOVE seeing all the enthusiasm to get started!!! If you're on facebook, I have a great motivational page (closed group so no one but members see the posts) if you want to join for even MORE motivation and support!! Here's the link but I'll be posting in here too! I might just throw in a 30 minute Turbo Fire DVD now before I have to get the kiddos from school! I finished T25 a few weeks ago and have been slacking and I NEED to hit that play button again!!

    Let's get it done folks!!! WOOT!!!! TEAMWORK!!!

    Link to facebook page (called Workin' It Out):!/groups/498704396858910/

    Just click "join" and I'll add ya!

    Let's dig deep and stay fit through the holiday season!!!

  • squekrs
    Ok folks!! Are we all gearing up for the big start Monday!?!?!?! I hope so!

    Have you set goals for the month of November??? Daily? Weekly? Or for the whole month?

    Here are my goals:

    Daily: - Get in my workout and post my accountability and help support and inspire others to stay on track
    - Drink my Shakeology once a day
    - Help those who need it to stay motivated

    Weekly: - Reach out to anyone who want to join the group
    - Better choices at the grocery
    - Finish each week on a high note!!

    Month: - Lose the few pounds I've put on over the course of the last few weeks
    - Have inspired more than 5 people to make a lifestyle change and help them stay motivated

    How about everyone else? Have you thought about your goals?

    I'll be wireless hopefully soon so I can be on here more often than I am now. Only have a flip phone and a home PC to make my posts. BOO! But with the holidays approaching rapidly, I have a good feeling a tablet is in our families future!! Just not sure which one yet.

    I'm also going to create another group on Facebook specifically for this November support group. No purchase or anything necessary like that to join. Once it's created, I'll post it in this thread and if you want to join the group, just click the link and hit the "join" button and I'll add ya!

    Here's the link to my daily motivational/support group if you need some daily accountability and support. And if you want to help pay it forward and help others stay on track. This is the time of year we all tend to hide indoors and fall off the healthy wagon. Let's not let that happen and lend a helping hand to others!!!

    Link to Workin' It Out on facebook:!/groups/498704396858910/

    Hope to see more of you guys join! It's a great envrionment!! And tell your friends! I know everyone knows at least two folks in their life who need a little nudge to get going. Be their motivator and be their coach!! Be their reason that you've helped them make this amazing change in their life! The feeling is undescribable!!

    Have a great one everyone! And thanks to those who have joined! Love seeing the accountability so far! You're all an inspiration!!

  • niqu11
    niqu11 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Erin! Can I join you guys in your 30 day challenge? I'm starting the Beta phase of T25 tomorrow, and I could definitely use the extra motivation. I'll look for your group on FB, thanks :)
  • ntrimblemcirlie
    ntrimblemcirlie Posts: 5 Member
    Hi :D

    i don't know what T25 or beta is but i've done up a monthly challenge for myself and would like to to it with you guys to help me get motivated and STAY motivated!

    i have never stuck to a diet in my life but at the end of September i said enough is enough and i actually did it! now my healthy eating habits are like they where always there and the weight is coming off nicely :D

    now i need to add in exercise! i want a healthy lifestyle not just to be skinny! :)