Add me for motivation !!!



  • klynshoe
    klynshoe Posts: 21 Member
    Please add me! I still have 20 lbs to go and need fresh ideas.
  • Hey, congrats on meeting your goal weight! (: Must feel great!

    You can add me, if you'd like. Anyone else who feels like clicking the fancy add button is more than welcome to too. :p
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
    hey, i could do with some support.... ive been atthe gym every week night for the last 5 weeks and lost "f" all!
    ive lost inches which i know is great but would just love the scales to move..

    feeling bummed/////:O(

    Amy from UK
  • New to MFP and in dire need of some support and motivation and some way to get started! Please add!!
  • I would love some motivational people to add me. I'm on here everyday.
  • yornma
    yornma Posts: 58 Member
    I could use the motivation. The more the merrier.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    I would love some helpful motivators! It seems like I comment all the time and not get very much response in return :p I love motivating people as well!

    Good luck to all in your continued fitness goals!!
  • tinnyhinny
    tinnyhinny Posts: 51 Member
    I need motivation. Please add me:smile:
  • chelseac1014
    chelseac1014 Posts: 43 Member
    I will add you.

    Anyone else feel free to add me as well :)
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    Anyone who wants to can add me

  • mtolmia
    mtolmia Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone add me :)
  • Gzuschick
    Gzuschick Posts: 50 Member
    add me please kris!
  • sure you can add me:)
  • just went through and added everyone else, i think! sorry if i missed you :D:heart: :smooched: