Lookin for weight loss buddies!



  • almaliora
    Hey Courtney! I'm totally looking for weight loss buddies, too! Mine's not baby weight, though. But I'm trying to lose 20lbs to go from 154 to 134. So, we're at similar goals. Oh, and my name is Courtney, too! As soon as I figure this whole site out, I'll post pictures, friend people, eetc. Good luck!
  • nubreeze33
    Welcome Courtney you have made a great choice joining up! hugs
  • Tonya1979
    Welcome to the site, I agree you will love it here!
  • joyfulmom4him
    Welcome. I also sent you a friend request. My baby is also 8 months old. I also have an almost 13, 9, 7, 5, and 3 year old children. I can relate to trying to lose the baby weight. I gained almost sixty with the last baby on top of being about 40 pounds overweight. I have lost 55 since the day I delivered my baby in February. I look forward to getting to know you.