exercise dvds for apt living suggestions

Hi I live on the second floor of apt. I'm looking for suggestions of exercise DVDs that don't make a lot of noise and have no jumping. I have had the city and police called on me due to my previous DVD I was doing.I looked into a gym membership and can't afford it right now. I have been doing walking outside for now but in the winteri wont want to do that anymore. I have always worked out with a matt. I'm planing on buying a thicker matt hopefully that will help with noise along with your suggestions.


  • dawnsjourney
    dawnsjourney Posts: 80 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds. There are free ones on youtube and facebook you can try and see. Leslie is amazing!!!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Get a suspension trainer and go through youtube workouts that utilize it. Perfectly silent. And way cheaper in the long run than a DVD series =)
  • beginagainat46
    Try yoga....relatively quite but still a good workout!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I have the same exact issue. The only DVD I've found to not make any noise is Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown. It's not your average yoga though, it's quite the workout. Highly recommended! Otherwise, I got a $10/month membership at Planet Fitness and I use the weights there and dreadmill when it's too hot to run outside.

    I found Level 1 of Yoga Meltdown on YouTube:
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    You might also think about buying/dumpsterdiving-and-cleaning a big-enough area rug that will stay on the floor and not be slippy and dangerous to use during workouts in addition to a mat, since most apartments really amplify the sounds from above especially on wood or noncarpet floors. I know it can cost, but maybe you could get a giveaway one and only roll it out for exercise. Other than that, I can only suggest 'low-impact' stuff, and there is tons of it around, floor work and walking exercise and all. Others will suggest specific things (many people here seem to be into the business of fitness, so may recommend their own lines of stuff, which may offer good options). I just look at Collage Video, which has little excerpts of all the videos they sell, so you can see what goes on before buying. I have bought and used some of the Jane Fonda walking ones and things, and even they have a lot of oomphy marching. I'd be interested to see what responses you get from those more familiar with other videos. Good luck--we just moved from second-floor hell this year, and it has been a lot better. I hope you come up with a solution that works for you!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Youtube has several full workout videos- look up Jessica Smith.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    I second the Leslie Sansone dvd's. No jumping. Pilates, like yoga as suggested above has a low noise level too. There are some workouts that incorporate Pilates and aerobics so you get a twofer.

    Are you familiar with Collage Video? If not, check them out. They have plenty of workouts and you can preview them to see if they are right for you. Nothing worse than getting a dvd only to fine you can't stand the instructor, :grumble: But the good thing with that is they will take back an opened dvd if you don't like it.

  • rhondagamountain
    rhondagamountain Posts: 12 Member
    Buy a rebounder / min-trampoline. You can get one at walmart $30 - $40.00. You can just bounce/jog/run in place on it like a treadmill or you can download routines from youtub. Extreme high calorie burn for shorter time periods since you are getting the cardio equivalent of jumping rope or nontop pylo jumps since you are airborn the whole time.