Need to quit drinking Coke. HELP!!

armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone. :)

I need some advice. I am super duper addicted to regular Coke. I have to have one first thing in the morning or I get a monstrous headache. I also drink one with breakfast and another with lunch and dinner as well...and another 1 or 2 throughout the day. So, I am having 4-5 Cokes a day!! Horrible, I know but I love it. Ugh.

Just wondering if anyone has been successful breaking such a bad habit as mine, and if so, how the heck did you do it?! I don't drink coffee or anything else with caffeine so I'm not sure what I'll do to get through the caffeine withdrawals.

It's going to be so hard for me to switch to just water. Is there anything else out there I can drink that is better for me than soda but a good alternative???

Thanks. :)


  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Hi. Since you are having such a hard time, I would suggest a gradual step down. Try Coke Zero for a while. Eventually replace those sodas with Crystal Light, and then to just pure water. I am sure it will be difficult, but you can do it. You are stronger than a little aluminum can, or a two liter bottle, or a 20 oz bottle or whatever it is. You are stronger than the sugary, caffeinated bubbles! Good luck!!
  • itzamos
    itzamos Posts: 24
    Maybe you could slowly wean yourself away from the habit by replacing 1 of your daily cokes with diet coke, and then gradually switching over to all diet coke. At that point you could try and slowly reduce the daily amount.
  • If you're in the need for Coke, switch to DIET Coke. It's not AS bad for you, but at least you're not drinking any calories. Set a daily goal of only have 2 diet cokes a day for this week. Then, next week, set a goal for only 1 diet coke a day. When you cut out Regular Coke, you will AMAZED at how much it helps reduce weight.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    IMHO, Coke Zero is much better than Diet.

    I know there are those who think diet soda is the devil, but with Zero (or diet if you like) at least you're not wasting a bunch of calories on soda.

    I drink a bunch of coke zero's every day, and it hasn't stopped my progress!
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    I stopped drinking regular coke a couple of years ago and switched to Diet Coke....I was up to 4 or 5 a day when I decided to stop drinking it 2 months ago!
    I went from it to Propel to Crystal light.
    How did I do it? COLD TURKEY! I got tired of getting my calories from all the soda I was drinking; the sodium is OUTRAGEOUS! Sodium keeps the water on ya:)

    I would suggest a gradual cutdown though. Maybe try to cut out one a day for the first week and then go from there.
    I hope you can break this bad habit;)
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I've been there many times before, so I feel your pain!

    My first addiction was to Mello-Yello back in the day. Surprisingly enough, I was able to switch from drinking many Mello-Yellos a day to drinking Powerade. I could just drink water. It also seemed to more I worked out, the more I craved Powerade (or water). My latest addiction was to sweet tea. I was used to drinking about a 1/2 gallon of sweet tea per day!! When I started working out again, I wanted more water but still couldn't stay away from the tea.

    Weaning helps!! It's really hard, esp if you get headaches, to go cold turkey. Instead of drinking the whole Coke each morning, try drinking 3/4 of it. . .1/2 of it. . .and down to maybe once less Coke a day. Buy the smaller cans or bottles of Coke to help.

    This may sounds weird, but I've found that I drink more water if I have it in it's own special container/canteen. I use one of those tall stainless steel bottle now, with the snap top and I have to fill it several times a day! If I try to drink out of a glass, I lose interest, lol. I've also found that a taste of something sweet makes me want more water too. Instead of having a candy bar, have a Hershey's Kiss of a few Tollhouse Chocolate Chips/morsels, then wash it down with a nice cold glass of H20!

    Any little trick helps. You just have to find which works best for you.
  • JoyJulRay
    JoyJulRay Posts: 99 Member
    Im hooked on diet coke..I drank about a 6 pack a day for a long time.Cut back to 1 or 2 when I started
    dieting. Back in Sept I posted a topic about giving up something for the whole month of October. So
    as of today I have been diet coke free for 20 days..I dont like juice so its been water water water..or unsweet tea. But cant wait till Nov 1 so I can have one. So you could try
    to finish out the month by giving up the coke or just cut back till Nov
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Another soda you might like besides Coke Zero (which tastes great, btw) or Diet Coke (also tastes good) is Diet Rite. There is no sodium, calories, sugar, caffeine in it. They make different flavors of it, too. Just a suggestion. Eventually, you'll get to where water is your main drink and you have a soda only once in a while. Good luck!!
  • I was drinking about a 12 pack of diet coke a day, ugh I know. I starting cutting back slowly it took me about 1 month and I was off completely. I still crave one from time to time so as a reward I will allow myself one small one on Saturday. Also another way it helped was a friend and I came up with a deal....if we drank a soda we owed the other person a $1. Good luck!!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    if you decide to wean down, excedrin has caffiene in it, so it helps a LOT for those headaches.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I used to drink a couple of regular pops a day. After starting MFP, since I love to eat, I didn't want to waste my precious calories on pop; I'd rather eat something filling. What got me drinking water was adding a some lemon or lime juice. It gives it a little flavor and is less boring that way. Keeping it ice cold helped me too.

    Good luck! Hope you can kick your habit!
  • I am addicted as well. I switched to coke zero. Now with a goal of my 8 servings of water. I have been drinking a bottle of water with some crystal lite wild strawberry ( energy) it helps wake me up and it's 2 servings of water. yay. then I let myself have a coke zero. I have with this idea ( a bottle of water = 2 servings of water then a coke zero) cut down on my cokes(12 pack a day to 6 and only on week 2) and helped get water in me. I hope to one day not need them, but I get bad headaches too!

    Good luck and let me know what works for you. I am always up for new ideas!

  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I would not switch to Diet Coke or Coke Zero. There have been numerous studies done on artificial sweeteners and they're not good for you. Plus, it sounds like you've got a serious caffeine addiction if you absolutely have to have one first thing in the morning. I would gradually reduce the number of Cokes you drink in a day. Replace one a day with a healthier drink (water would be best but even juice or tea would be better than soda) for one week. Then replace another soda the next week, and so on.

    For a while I was drinking nothing but soda and quit cold turkey. I hate drinking water from a regular glass but I can drink 9 glasses of water a day if I drink it from a sports bottle. Keeping the water in a closed container helps keep it fresh and not seeing the water actually helps me drink more. I'm less aware that it's water so it's not as much of a chore to drink. I drink one full 24oz bottle while I'm at the gym and I drink two more throughout the day at home. Try keeping a bottle next to you at work, at home, in the car, and take a drink whenever you feel thirsty. You'll be surprised at how much water you can "trick" yourself into drinking.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Respectfully, if artificial sweetener were so dangerous, the FDA would've yanked it long ago.

    There's much worse things. Like Migraines.

    as always, IMHO:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Switching to diet first might be a good idea because you won't have the headaches. I was addicted to diet Dr. Pepper. I decided to give them up after dinner first (it was really hard the first few nights, but after that piece of cake). I started drinking water at night (which I never did before...not a big water drinker). I was a bit frustrated with losing very slow and a few weeks not losing at all, so I just gave them up to see if it would be a difference. I then started drinking water instead of the soda. It has been four months and now I don't miss it at all. I don't even order it when I go to a restaurant. I think I didn't get severe headaches because I gave up part of them gradually and I still have one non-fat no fun iced mocha a day!!!
  • lalouli
    lalouli Posts: 41
    I drank a ton of Coke when my twins were little because I was getting so little sleep that I'd do anything to try to stay awake. I went half and half w/diet and still drink one or two diets a day, plus my morning coffee when I decided to quit. For me, the coke draw isn't the caffeine as much as the cool, crisp carbonation. When I waitressed, many moons ago, I drank soda water with lemon, lime, cherry, or bitters and got the same satisfaction. Also, I'm sure this won't be popular with everyone, but coffee has more caffeine than soda and is supposed to have benifits for metabolism. You could drink a cup of that in the a.m. to ward off the headache maybe. Good luck!
  • Don't just switch to diet or zero because that is no better for you. Aspartame and the other chemicals in those can cause awful headaches too. You will crave it less and less the longer you go without it, but you shouldn't go cold turkey off that amount of soda or you will be miserable. The other post that said there's caffeine in exedrin is right, I would suggest using something like that or just a caffeine supplement (like no doze) to ward off any headaches. My advice is to step down slowly by replacing your lunch coke with something else that you like to drink. I hate crystal light and most of the "good for you drinks" but I've become accustom to water since I've gone without the soda. I do have it sometimes but I try to limit it to once a day if I do indulge. Good luck its not easy to get off caffeine but you will feel better and I'm sure your insides will thank you since mechanics use coke to clean battery hookups (imagine what it does in you) Hope this helps.
  • I have been drinking juices, but to fill myself up more with it and quench my thirst, I have been doing half juice/half water to equal about 16oz each time. It will help with your sugar desire, your water intake, and the juice is good for you too. I love white grape juice, but there are plenty of juices to work with out there. Just remember to watch the calories. :-)
  • This was me exactly 3 weeks ago. I seriously HAD to have coke or pepsi....I started logging my calories, even the ones I would drink and realized I was wasting my calories on soda and I was consuming THOUSANDS of calories a day. I quit drinking the soda cold turkey...I drink Crystal light, ice water, Coke Zero, Diet Pepsi, or Diet Dr. Pepper. I have adapted a taste for these. At first they tasted terrible!! I had to tell myself it's either this or water (which I hate by the way). After 3 weeks of my new eating lifestyle, I have a diet soda once every 2-3 days. Today I actually had a regular dr pepper and I didn't like it, and felt guilty drinking it!!

    You have to be ready to give it up mentally and need to tell yourself what's best. As for the headaches, you will get them...I am still getting them, I'm pretty sure it's from withdrawals of all those years of drinking it. I take excedrin and the headache goes away...I keep telling myself they are temporary and will go away. Good luck, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    Hi- I know exactly what you are talking about!! I started drinking coke when I was 14 and now I am 34. I have not had a coke since Aug. 10, 2010. I know this sounds harsh- but I had to stop cold turkey! I tried to wean myself off but it usually led back to my same habit of 6-7 a day.:grumble: So finally I said enough! I had so much water that day I thought I was a fish!:wink: And I guess because of the water, but I ended up not having a headache- I was shocked!:noway: And yes it has been horribly hard I still crave them! But it is getting better. I had tried before to quit and one thing that helped was a No-Dose the first day. A half of one the next and so on. But I went back to it a couple days after :angry: what was I thinking! Anyways- now I am done with it and feeling better than ever! I have replaced the coke with water. Hope this helps- its hard but you can do it!!:bigsmile:
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