Zelda fans?

jujaws Posts: 190 Member
edited February 6 in Chit-Chat
I just started out Skyward Sword..anybody else having a huge annoyance with the wii motion plus? Damn thing keeps on getting disconnected when I'm thrashing about killing things. I love all the other Zelda games, but this one seems to irritate me more often than not. I'd have to say my top 3 would have been OOT, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess.


  • Huge Zelda fan! here!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Ocarina of Time was my favorite, though Twilight Princess is a close second.

    I got hooked on Skyrim, so I have yet to finish Skyward Sword. The gameplay doesn't bother me. I had a hard time with Phantom Hourglass on the DS though.
  • loved ocarina of time though never beat it :( wind waker twillight princess minish cap four swords majoras mask hourglass were also good :) only beat phantom hourglass haha my bros beat some of the others though.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages were pretty awesome if you were able to play both.
  • jujaws
    jujaws Posts: 190 Member
    I don't think I really liked the art style from windwaker..kind of feel a little bit that way about SS, too. Idk, that motion plus thing keeps disconnecting and then tells me to put it on a flat surface and connect the nun chuck over and over again since that's plugged into the motion plus. :<

    On the bright side, I beat Twilight Princess a few weeks ago. I have issues focusing on finishing games so I was proud, lol. I think I was too scared to beat Majora's Mask...that one was by far to me the creepiest.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Definitely the creepiest!

    Do you have another controller to try?
  • I haven't noticed any issues with the controls. Skyward Sword is one of my favorites. Can't wait for the new one that is coming out for the 3DS. Nice to have a sequel to my favorite Link to the Past.
  • Amwhite1986
    Amwhite1986 Posts: 194 Member
    Playing Ocarina of Time 3DS right now. Just finished the damn water temple. Can't wait for Link Between World's!
  • jujaws
    jujaws Posts: 190 Member
    I've got 4 wiimotes but they've all done the same. Maybe it's just the way I kill dem bad guys ;) lol!

    Is the 3ds worth getting? I have the regular DS...idk, I really only use handheld systems for travel when I need to pass the time. I've got a few already, so I may have just answered my own question :P.
  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    Love Zelda - OOT and WindWaker are my favorites and the only two I've beaten. I really like TP but I haven't beaten it because the game glitched when I was playing it and I got stuck in the desert temple and just gave up rather than starting over. Someday I'll try again :P

    I've been meaning to play Minnish Cap, Four Swords, and Phantom Hourglass, and maybe Skyward Sword, I just don't have the money for the console and I don't even have a TV currently.
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