Newbie with food issues

I joined two days ago and am still having issues with my eating habits. I am always hungry and can't stop eating. Does anyone have any tips or advice that could help me?

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  • ezreka
    ezreka Posts: 53 Member
    drink lots of water
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Drinking plenty of water, eating lean protein and lots of fresh vegetables and fruits helps a lot. The protein and fiber help keep you full for longer.
  • sadiesmom
    eat protein
  • nutech
    nutech Posts: 11
    I felt the same way when I started. And I still kind of do but it's getting a bit better. Anyways, one thing I do is I eat carrots and celery, things like that. They're low in calories and are filling. The biggest thing is to keep it SIMPLE. So with that said, my favorite snacks are: string cheese, fruit (apples, oranges, etc.), pretzels with low salt, and carrots with ranch. I hope this was helpful!
  • Reinee_0304
    drink a lot a lot of water
  • slowden
    I tend to like to snack all the time too. So I just decided to pick snacks that were more healthy like apples, and strawberrys. I know that they have more calories than say carrot sticks but it helps me controle my urge to eat sweets. I also drink lots of water. I wish you all the best good luck and you can do it!!!!! :smile:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    water is the best answer! a trick i learned is if you drink 1- 8oz glass before your meal, one during your meal, and one after your meal :) you can also try adding more fiber, some sites say 25-30grams a day which is easier said then done! i was having to add fibersure powder to my water for a while to get it in ( which doesnt add a lot of calories and has no flavor)! also eating more smaller meals a day instead of fewer bigger meals a day helps! hopefully these tricks help :)
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    The biggest problem I had when I first started here was trying to get by the hunger pains. If you are not willing to go through some changes, some discomfort and do some very hard work, you may not be ready to attack your problem.
  • DancingDreamer
    you JUST started! give yourself a break, starting a new diet and exercise plan is hard, its not fun, in fact it down right sucks for the first week or two. but after gets easier....much'll find that you even have days that you have trouble eating ENOUGH calories (like me today....i'm not hungry but i'm at 1158....*sigh*) take it slow, dont beat yourself up and drink water. thats the best advise i can give you.

    also you know that if you exercise it gives you more calories right? while eating all of your exercise calories isnt a great idea once you're a few months in like me, when you're starting out....i say go ahead...its an easy way to wean yourself down to less and less calories until you're where you need to be at. this is going to be hard, but you CAN do it. good luck on your weight loss journey, you've already done the first step, joining here. pat yourself on the back for that! :drinker:
  • AKJill65
    AKJill65 Posts: 8 Member
    I have been trying to eat every 3 hours, breakfast is usually a protein shake (just can't get moving and give myself time for much else) couple hours later I have a piece of fruit or protein bar, then lunch, couple hours later more fruit/nuts or string cheese then dinner. I also try to get 32 oz of water before 10 am. Seems to help keep me thru the morning. Hope this helps:smile:smile:
  • rstring
    rstring Posts: 35
    I, too, drink Qivana protein shakes w/fat free milk that usually keep me satisfied for 3-4 hours. One note, with protein shakes you have to drink lots of water as well.
  • tezzc
    tezzc Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there - I just started a couple of days ago too. Like everyone else, the water's been a great help... but if I'm REALLY hungry, a cup of tea or a Milo (Ovaltine) with skim milk isn't too high in calories fills me up and has a bit of flavour. I've been working out too and that's dampened my appetite a bit. Good luck and take it slow - don't beat yourself up and celebrate each and every success you have! :)
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    Always being hungry doesn't help much!
    How about you try to slowly adjust calories.
    I don't know how much calories you consumed before starting here, but I'll give you a quick example of what your problem could be.
    If (as I said, I don't know) you consumed 4000 calories a day before, and now you cut down to 1800 ( another number I don't know, but it's only an example to explain), you have 2200 calories less than before, which is A LOT! And that can be one reason why you're so terribly hungry.
    So if really you have to cut down so much, do it gradually, like from 4000 to 3500 this week, next week another 500 calories down, so that your stomach can adjust to the new quantities.

    I say it again, this is an example. I don't say it's your case, but it could be anyone's. And it's better to make small changes that we can accept instead of having drastic changes and giving up after a short time because we aren't able to stick with them.
