Ugh...Jail Food is Terrible.



  • teddybonkerz
    teddybonkerz Posts: 2 Member
    thanks jimmmer I try
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    i guess a good suggestion would be dont get put in jail.. just my opinion though :P

    Since time machines haven't been invented, I am pretty sure this advice is useless.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Couple of things:

    1) not eating "Processed food" is just trendy. You can be perfectly lean eating all kinds of processed crap. Take it from me. Eating in a deficit is what counts. That and hitting your macros (try to make protein-heavy meal choices)

    2) You are now probably more sedentary than you were before. Your TDEE has probably decreased - you need to slightly reduced the overall volume of food you consume

    3) You are trying to "wing" insanity. When you do it along with the video, you are trying to keep up. You are probably not bring as much intensity to the workout as you did before. You might think you are, but I guarantee you are not. How are you calculating these calories burnt? Something to look at.

    My suggestions: cut back slightly on your eating. Up your protein. Reduce your TDEE setting in mfp slightly and up your protein goal to 1gm/1lb of bodyweight. Enter less calories for your workout - it's better to underestimate than overestimate.

    Of course, you could alternatively use this as an opportunity to continue to eat at, or above maintenance, for a while and just focus on your physical fitness. Then, when you diet is more under your own control, focus back in on it like a laser.

    Main thing is: you are trying to make the best of your current situation. Chin up. You'll be out soon.

    This ^^^ is great advice!

    And my apologies, I completely misunderstood what work release was :smile:
  • ktlinn4
    ktlinn4 Posts: 38 Member
    Again, THANK YOU ALL for your advice and tips. Yes, it would've been nice to not get put in jail...haha...however, a lot of us have made stupid decisions involving driving after drinking. Some of us just get caught doing it. In the long run, I'm thankful to have never hurt anyone and to finally get these issues over and done with. I would have never been where I'm at now if I hadn't gotten pulled over in April. An important, albeit expensive, lesson...but one that has gotten me in the best shape I've ever been in, mentally AND physically. That's more important than money to me....(don't get me wrong, I wouldn't turn down winning the lottery or anything :wink: )

    Also...I've lost 1.6 lbs this week! :happy: There's always a silver lining somewhere...It's just all about perspective!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    i guess a good suggestion would be dont get put in jail.. just my opinion though :P

    Helpful first post.

    Yes,why don't you just tell everyone trying to lose weight not to get overweight in the first place.
    Totally stupid thing to post.

    In Australia jail and prison are interchangeable terms - no difference in meaning at all.

    OP, I admire you for posting honestly about your situation and for trying to maintain your weight loss program in a difficult situation.

    All the best,
