binge eating success?

Ive been binge eating for 1 month now... every night i say "ill get back on track tomorrow" then make it to 9 pm and go crazy and eat everything when im not even hungry.

Ive gained 20 pounds in ONE month.. i feel like all my hard work is wasted.

My mom even said today "it looks like you have gained a little weight"

i dont even know why i do it because im not hungry when i do it..i think im just stressed with my college classes :(

can someone give me any tips to get outta this...

My starting weight was 230 and i got down to 155 but since ive been binge eating im at 177 :(


  • thereichenbachfall
    Are you eating enough during the day? And are you getting enough protein? I would suggest upping your calories if necessary and make sure you're getting enough protein and fat to feel satisfied. And maybe keeping around some popcorn or vegetables or something that you can graze on at night but that won't kill your diet.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    Try doing something at night that keeps you busy. A hobby with your hands maybe? Go for a walk. Make sure you are getting enough calories and eating enough during the day.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Posting to keep track, I have the same problem!
    I over ate by 900 calories last night. I have serious self control issues.

    I make it to about 9PM as well, and tell myself the same excuses of restarting tomorrow or next week.

    I eat small meals low calorie during the day to have calories left over for night.....Im not sure if thats a good or bad thing.
    But its been helping a little.
  • startingtoday94
    startingtoday94 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm exactly the same... gained back all the weight I lost, keeping telling myself "i'll start again tomorrow", and my mum has also commented on my weight gain :(

    Maybe you weren't eating enough before the binging started? ... I've upped my calories from 1200 to 1500... we'll see how it goes. i'm half way through my second non-binge day. Praying it lasts lol

    best of luck to you :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Perhaps an open diary would help? At least in the mean time.
  • funkim55
    funkim55 Posts: 216 Member
    Don't beat yourself up!!! Try exercising or meditation to relax!!

    Set a goal of 5 pounds per month; use MFP to keep track of your eating. Logging in everyday really helpts!!!
  • britfout
    britfout Posts: 86 Member
    When that started happening to me I purposely saved myself around 200-300 cals for my middle of the night snack. I pick something low cal (cheerios) and eat a gigantic bowl. I also drink a ton of water.

    I wake up about twice a night to feed my baby so this is totally necessary . I wish I could just sleep through the midnight munchies but until she's sleeping through the night, I stick with this plan.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    There is a new(ish) group on here called No Binge November if you want to check it out! You can check in daily and post how your day was and if you had a craving and how you overcame it, or if you did binge, you can post about it and get suggestions on how to maybe nip it in the bud next time.
    I love the accountability of it. If I compleate the whole month of November without any binges, that will be the first time in my life I have gone one whole month with no binges whatsoever!!

    You should look into it. I love to challenge myself, so this is right up my alley. I'm completely looking forward to November!
    Hope this will help.
    Nix :flowerforyou:
  • tdbad1
    tdbad1 Posts: 87 Member
    Ive been reading a book that suggests binge eating is linked to a "sugar addiction" what is it you are binging on? breads, pastas, potatoes, candy chips? cake ice cream? Starchy carbs all get transformed to sugars in the body, and most have refined sugars in them too....consequently if it is a "sugar addiction" the more you are eating of these thing, the more you are going to want. I was a huge binger. I could eat enough for 6 ppl, and not blink. Got to the point I never felt full unless I felt I was going to burst. Ive struggled hard, and not always successfully, but now for the most part, I keep all those things to an absolute minimum. Higher protein content helps me to feel full longer and I always have vegetables around. Vegetables are great carbs for energy and super low in calories ( with the exception of potatos, corn and some peas) Most of all, don't quit, trying to quit. it will work for you, just keep at it.
  • thatbelinda
    thatbelinda Posts: 94 Member
    Brush your teeth and go to bed?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    First off, if you've been bingeing uncontrollably for a month, you might want to consider professional help. Some may think that an extreme suggestion, but there's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of in talking to a counsellor or other professional to try and get some help with this.

    Also, there are a lot of good books out there on emotional eating and binge eating, so have a browse on amazon and see what comes up.

    One thing I would look at is how you eat through the day, and maybe make some changes there. Some people find that if they let themselves get hungry, that triggers a binge, so they find it helps to eat small regular meals, like maybe 6 small meals a day, never really getting hungry.

    Other people feel better doing intermittent fasting, where you have longer periods of not eating, but when you do eat, you get to eat a larger amount.

    Look at what time of the day you're eating. Some find that skipping breakfast leads them to overeat later. Others find that breakfast actually makes them hungrier and do better eating the bulk of their calories at night. It may be that you just prefer eating in the evening, so you could allow for that by eating lighter during the day and having a big meal and snacks in the evening. You would still log everything obviously, but feeling a bit more satisfied by your evening meal may help prevent a binge.
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    Are you eating healthy all they long before 9pm? Have you a good breakfast? did you eat milk? vegetables? proteins? Did you private yourself for something in food?

    Everything happens around afternoon/night ? stressfull stuff? anxiety? problems?

    think about that and maybe you need to change the food and start to resolve the emotional problems.
    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    Ive been reading a book that suggests binge eating is linked to a "sugar addiction" what is it you are binging on? breads, pastas, potatoes, candy chips? cake ice cream? Starchy carbs all get transformed to sugars in the body, and most have refined sugars in them too....consequently if it is a "sugar addiction" the more you are eating of these thing, the more you are going to want. I was a huge binger. I could eat enough for 6 ppl, and not blink. Got to the point I never felt full unless I felt I was going to burst. Ive struggled hard, and not always successfully, but now for the most part, I keep all those things to an absolute minimum. Higher protein content helps me to feel full longer and I always have vegetables around. Vegetables are great carbs for energy and super low in calories ( with the exception of potatos, corn and some peas) Most of all, don't quit, trying to quit. it will work for you, just keep at it.

    ^^^^ this . I was the same , but since being on mfp have changed to whole grains , Fruits ( 2/ day ) & veg instead of refined carbs & sugars . I haven't have a binge since ( except when I had mashed potatoes funnily enough & then I couldn't feel full or sated all evening )
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    In my case , binge eating is all about emotions. Right now I am in a really deep depression and only thing I can do to stop it is find distractions. Hang in there !!!!
  • happydreamy
    happydreamy Posts: 44 Member
    Alison Sweeney once said in an interview that if you find yourself eating a lot during bedtime, especially sweets, it means you're tired. Try going to bed earlier. If I ever get the munchies near bedtime, I pop plain, pure popcorn kernels (not prepackaged) in the microwave and eat that with no butter or salt. Very filling with very few calories.

    Good luck!:)
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    Alison Sweeney once said in an interview that if you find yourself eating a lot during bedtime, especially sweets, it means you're tired.

    Never listen that. We learn always!
  • OAEE
    OAEE Posts: 10 Member
    Over eaters anonymous is a great place for some folks who have trouble with binge eating. Google it if you are interested or email me. Good luck.
  • lisasumner14
    lisasumner14 Posts: 16 Member
    I used to do this a lot and now I make sure that I have a cup of rooiboo tea or something similar, sometimes a low fat hot chocolate for 100 cals and go to bed. I get a glass of water and brush my teeth and just go to bed to read or watch tv. I never eat in bed because I hate crumbs so it's the best place to be. Haha
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    I tend to binge when there is something emotional going on, or something that I want to distract myself from (usually something that takes me out of my comfort zone with work or study). I just came through a really rough patch with my ex and I found that once that pressure had lifted, it was like a switch was turned off and I began to value myself more and therefore treat my body better and so I stopped bingeing.

    You just need to remember that, no matter what else you have going on in your life, you are worth a healthier lifestyle. You are your own most valuable asset, and every day that goes past without bingeing is a day closer to being whatever ideal you have in your mind for yourself. In a week you'll be glad you started that today, and in a month you'll be even more glad.

    It helps to know you have the strength to achieve your goals. I remember my first small victory. I went to the supermarket after an especially horrible day, and had intellectually decided not to buy the junk upon which I would normally binge, but actually following through on it was hard. I only visited the fresh produce sections of the supermarket (meat, veg, dairy) and avoided the sections that would tempt me. When I got to the self-serve register my favourite chocolate bar was there, and it was half price. Normally that would be a fait accompli for me but I looked at it, swallowed hard and quickly scanned my shopping and processed the payment before I could cave in. My hands were shaking but I walked away knowing if I said no once, I could keep saying no, and that it was the start of something better.

    When I "fall off the wagon" I tend to set my MFP goals back to Maintenance instead of trying to restrict myself and feeling bad when the number comes up red because I failed to achieve that. It's when those numbers go red that I think "screw it, I might as well have another _____", and that's a mindset that sets me up for failure. I then make sure I eat below that number, no matter what it is that I am eating. I'll aim to eat 500cal below it, but won't beat myself up if that doesn't happen, and all the changes I make to my diet to achieve that, like filling up on fruit and vegetables before I reach for the icecream or pasta, are all progress towards a healthier lifestyle that I can maintain.

    Anyway that's just what works for me. Good luck and feel free to add me :)
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    Kind of counter-intuitive, but ice cream sandwiches have solved my late night binge eating problem. Unlike other possibly healthier food options, they're pre-portioned and they take a moderate amount of time to eat.
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