Life's looking up

Hi everyone, I am new to the forums, but I have been using MFP since August. I look forward to learning new ways to stay healthy and lose weight.

About me:
I am originally from the Pacific Northwest and I just recently moved to Denver, CO for work as a Software Engineer. I am tall, measuring in at 6'6" or 198 cm for the rest of the world. I have been a big guy most of my life. I like fishing, hiking, singing (I need to find a good Karaoke place in South Denver), playing basketball, watching tv / netflix, cooking, and mostly going to concerts. I love music; my favorite bands are Def Leppard, Scorpions, Three Days Grace, Seether, Panic at the Disco (have my ticket for January at The Ogden Theater), Audioslave, Linkin Park, The Cars, and Styx. I'm also in to lots of nerdy things: anime, board games, video games, card games, and comics (Y: The Last Man is favorite series).

Why I'm losing weight:
In December of last year I went shopping to find some clothes to wear to the office Christmas party and I couldn't find anything that fit; really depressing and embarrassing. I choose to make a change and slowly, but surely, I have been transitioning my life to be more healthy. I am currently 308 lbs, down from 410 lbs, and I feel better and better about my decision to lose weight everyday. I would like to get to my goal of 225 lbs by my 28th birthday in December 2014.

Add me as a friend if you have any of the same interests, similar transformational goals, or if you like the move Ground Hog Day..
