Trying to make a change!!

Seems no matter what I do something else smacks me in the face. I have the gift of Hypertension from my fathers side of the family and was also a smoker. So of course all I ever heard was "you need to stop smoking". So two years ago in august I did. Thanks to the help of Chantix I stopped smoking. However, that resulted in weight gain. I gained approx 40-45lbs. Now this week I was told by my doctor my sugar levels in my blood are at diabetic levels. So, here I am. Trying to do something to stay around longer for my wife and kids. Trying to not get discouraged. I plan on losing weight before my next doctor visit and having him retest for the blood sugars. I was referred to this site from a family member and hoping it can help me see what foods are better for me and help me maintain a smooth weight loss program.


  • hopewms
    hopewms Posts: 22
    Go thank that family member for refering you to MFP because its great! I've heard for years that the best way to lose weight is to count calories and keep it in a diary. There was never an easy way to do that (cafeteria food, restaurants, etc). But MFP makes it super easy (especially if you have the app on your phone). Keeping track really makes you accountable to what you eat. MFP gives you lots of great tools, calorie counting, support, tips, etc. Use it and it will help you lose the weight. Good luck!
  • angelsxzist
    angelsxzist Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome Brian. This site IS great. It not only helps you keep track of the food you eat, calories, fat, protein, etc., the support is awesome. You won't regret being here. BTW congratulations on quitting smoking. :)
  • rundgrenfan
    Good luck! You made one good choice to quit smoking, now you have made another one to be here!
  • rundgrenfan
    Good luck! You made one good choice to quit smoking, now you have made another one to be here!