Skin Changes

lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
Ok I have a question, I'm battling bad skin...i have never had bad skin before, I'm wondering if it's from my diet and exercise? It's not acne, it's rashes...i have a skin disease on my chest and upper back/ face looks like it's been through a fire, it hurts to touch shins are dry as a i just pump up the moisturizer? seriously i'm takes almost a year to get into a dermatologist...and i've always taken good care of my skin ( i fear aging badly)


  • toberlili
    your diet has alot to do with it, i had bad skin rashes that i couldnt get undercontrol with anything, finally i changed my diet and it cleared up.
  • EternalMysteria
    Switch to a plant based diet. It does wonders for your skin,and your over all health. Get rid of the dairy. It's poison!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    ok, but it's BECAUSE of my new "eating clean and healthy" diet that my skin has acted feels like razor burn on my face...and it's really unattractive (no matter what my fiance says, i know he's just being nice lol)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Switch to a plant based diet. It does wonders for your skin,and your over all health. Get rid of the dairy. It's poison!

    haha I'm lactose intolerant, i got rid of dairy 6 years ago...but i heard that having a milk bath is good for your skin....maybe i'll dip my face in it
  • herwholejourney
    herwholejourney Posts: 86 Member
    This may not be the same thing, but it just might. About a month and a half ago I woke up and had a rash on my hips. That rash spread to cover my entire body for a week. (it was so gross) and it hurt and was red and like raised skin. The rash went away after a week - but since then (for a month and a half now) everytime I scratch my skin at all - I get the lines of the scratch in red on my body in the form of like raised skin and bumps. My skin is super sensitive even the slightest bit of pressure and I will get rash. After googling online I found that this type of skin disorder is common in adults in their 20's and 30's. I always had really good skin - no problems with anything like this before.

    Anyways, I have not yet gone to the doctor to get it checked out, and I have not seen any changes over the last month and a half. But my sister did read a thread on this site of a girl that was going through the same thing. She decided to start eating as 'clean' as possible. (Not eating packaged foods, not eating fast food etc) Eating very healthy and 'clean' and her rashes went away. I haven't tried it yet, because I have boxes full of lean cuisines in the freezer - lol but I may try it if this doesn't go away in another month! You may want to try this.

    EDIT-- sorry just saw that you already are eating 'clean'. I have no ideas then! Let me know if you find a solution! :o)
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    Its hard to know without seeing a picture of it, or seeing your diary. If you opened up your diary it would help a lot.
    But my first thought is that it very well could be diet related. Not enough water and fatty acids will do bad things to your skin.

    On the other hand there are alot of non-diet related things that can cause rashes and skin problems.
    Depending on where you live dryness can also be exasperated by the change in temperature.
    Also, a change in lotions, shampoos, soaps, laundry detergent can also cause skin rashes.
    Parasites, and other irritants as well can cause rashes.

    I personally feel that you definitely should see your family doctor to have it checked by a professional.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    Switch to a plant based diet. It does wonders for your skin,and your over all health. Get rid of the dairy. It's poison!

    haha I'm lactose intolerant, i got rid of dairy 6 years ago...but i heard that having a milk bath is good for your skin....maybe i'll dip my face in it

    If you are lactose intolerant a milk bath will be very very bad for your skin and could cause it to flare up. Try an oatmeal bath, its much more soothing...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    ok i opened my diary...feel free to take a look and see what i'm missing...and if i have an oatmeal bath do i just literally dump some rolled oats into it? and i have to admit i like scalding hot showers, so i bet i have to stop those now too eh? damn!
  • Wendy543
    try aveno bath oatmeal its a package you should be able to buy it at walmart, also you can get lactose free milk ( i am lactose intolerant too) you could be alergic to something your eating my sister gets rashes when she eats peaches.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i'm going to show you my face rash...i have my camera right here...hold on a second
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    I just heard recently (can't remember where) that using really hot water during showers or washing your face or whatever is very harmful to your skin.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i can't upload my pictures...they don't do my disease justice anyways...but yeah WrenLynn, I've recently discovered that maybe my scalding hot showers aren't as fun as i thought...that sucks...i don't have a hot tub...and the hot showers make my muscles feel better lol...but i can't live like this with my face all messed up, so i guess pee warm showers are necessary
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I would go talk to your family doctor, since you don't really know what it is, adding moisturizers etc to it could make it worse. How long have you had it, it could be an allergic reaction to something you touched or ate....

    Or from sweat maybe...I get kind of a itchy rash after working out a few days in a row, and its always around my face, and chest and back...but I think its from all the sweating, and it usually goes away in a day.
  • ceredonia
    This may not be the same thing, but it just might. About a month and a half ago I woke up and had a rash on my hips. That rash spread to cover my entire body for a week. (it was so gross) and it hurt and was red and like raised skin. The rash went away after a week - but since then (for a month and a half now) everytime I scratch my skin at all - I get the lines of the scratch in red on my body in the form of like raised skin and bumps. My skin is super sensitive even the slightest bit of pressure and I will get rash. After googling online I found that this type of skin disorder is common in adults in their 20's and 30's. I always had really good skin - no problems with anything like this before.

    Anyways, I have not yet gone to the doctor to get it checked out, and I have not seen any changes over the last month and a half. But my sister did read a thread on this site of a girl that was going through the same thing. She decided to start eating as 'clean' as possible. (Not eating packaged foods, not eating fast food etc) Eating very healthy and 'clean' and her rashes went away. I haven't tried it yet, because I have boxes full of lean cuisines in the freezer - lol but I may try it if this doesn't go away in another month! You may want to try this.

    EDIT-- sorry just saw that you already are eating 'clean'. I have no ideas then! Let me know if you find a solution! :o)

    Sorry to threadjack (sorta) but I kind of have this same problem! It started about last summer. I'd wake up in the middle of the night SO ITCHY, and would get these horrible rashes/bumpy skin problems. It didn't go away in the winter, but I finally got it slightly under control by using more lotions and keeping cool while I sleep. I figured it was a sweating issue.
    But lately I've noticed my skin is doing the same thing--if I get a scratch, or I just rub it slightly, it gets really red and raised and bumpy. I also have issues with weird itchy spots that raise and get puffy with the slightest touch, and my legs/lower back/chest area still get weird "heat rashes".
    I haven't changed my diet SO much in the last couple of years, so I never thought it was a food issue. Sure I mostly eat fast food and packaged dinners (so I don't eat the "cleanest" at all) but I've never had any sort of weird skin issues till last summer. What was the name of that skin disorder you found? I don't even know of any dermatologists in my area, but maybe I'll try to find one... it really bothers me!
  • Maggie1960
    It sounds like an allergic reaction to something to me - have you changed your washing powder/got new sheets/new soap/shower gel etc? I would definitely advise seeing your doctor, it sounds painful and I think you need a medical opinion.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    It's ok Ceredonia, skin issues are skin issues...I've been battling with allergies my entire life...i know what shampoos work, what laundry soap works, etc...I have been monitoring my chest rash for three years now and can't figure out what triggers it (it's not constant, right now it's not there) i thought it was weather change, menstruation, soaps, clothes, everything...but this one on my face started saturday...i'm trying to think if it was whisker burn (:blushing: ) or maybe irritated from the hot tub (i've never been irritated before) or maybe i need a heavier moisturizer because it is fall now, and living in canada, it's dry as a fart...i don't know...i'm going to try that aveeno hypoallergenic moisturizer and have an oatmeal bath...maybe it will at least calm the burning sensation
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Sounds like an allergy to me. Is there something you're eating now that you werent eating before? Like the whey protein or the calcium tabs? Or have you been on antibiotics? Also, like the PP said, new washing powder, shampoo, hair dye etc etc. Try and think of something new you're using.

    You could try googling 'painful rash' and see if you find anything, but really you should see your GP

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    Sounds like an allergy to me. Is there something you're eating now that you werent eating before? Like the whey protein or the calcium tabs? Or have you been on antibiotics? Also, like the PP said, new washing powder, shampoo, hair dye etc etc. Try and think of something new you're using.

    You could try googling 'painful rash' and see if you find anything, but really you should see your GP

    Good luck :flowerforyou:

    I agree it does sound like an allergic reaction to either something your eating or a product your using.
    I also suffer from rashes which is from Excema. I went to the dermatologist and the stuff she gave me helped with the itching but didn't take away the rash. Not sure if this is what you have. I usually get the rashes on my calves and feet and one time it was in the palm of my hand. They start out as darker patches on my skin and then they get hard and crusty and itchy and of course when I would scratch them they would puss and bleed(sorry I know that's gross). I tried all kinds of things and then I went to a nutritionist who suggested that it could be a food allergy and that I should omit certain foods. I was also introduced to a cream called Mayan Magic that has worked wonders on my Excema. It not only took away the itch factor for good but has healed up the rashes as well. It's not a quick fix and they are still healing up but it's the best thing I've found thus far. I get it from the health food store. You can look it up on the internet for more information
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    thanx mizfit, i just googled it...i'm down with the organics, i'll pick some up today after work
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    ok i opened my diary...feel free to take a look and see what i'm missing...and if i have an oatmeal bath do i just literally dump some rolled oats into it? and i have to admit i like scalding hot showers, so i bet i have to stop those now too eh? damn!

    Your hot showers may be your culprit. I love hot showers and had a rash over my chest, hips and neck so I went to the doctor. He said it was a yeast infection from the hot showers. He gave me a prescription to clear it up. I would suggest cooler showers and go to your standard doctor. They can either tell you what it is or send you on to a dermatologist sooner. I remember the rash was very itchy and blotchy if it helps. I have an inkling that is at least part of your problem. Good Luck.