Diet and Exercise Mammas


I just wanted to see if there were any busy moms out there who find keeping up with diet and exercise with little ones hard. I have three (very) little kids, and while they usually eat what I eat, it can be difficult not to slip up. Also, finding time to exercise?!? I do a little in the AM, but mostly it is after my husband comes home from work, which is pretty late at night -- then there are the excuses of being tired, wanting to spend more time with the hubby, etc. Before I know it, I haven't done anything for the week! Ah!

Anyway, I would love a little support. And some good tips! :smile:


  • wildbutterfly777
    wildbutterfly777 Posts: 17 Member
    This is a long reply but this is such a problem for so many moms out there and maybe something here will help someone. I may not be the best source for advice since I have jumped onto this wagon AND fallen off MANY times. :) However, I completely understand where you are coming from. I have the added benefit of being a stay at home mom so finding time to exercise is easy as long as I don't make any excuses.

    I do my exercise, which is in DVD form(anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes worth), while my youngest is napping. I have an almost 2 year old and a 4 year old. My 4 year old doesn't nap anymore but I put a movie in for him in a different room and I exercise in the living room while the 2 year old naps. I have also had to exercise while the 2 year old is awake and it worked out fine too. She even got down on the floor and did crunches with me! I also put them in a pack n play when they were babies so I could do my workout. Jumpers, bouncers, etc. are all designed to entertain your baby so you can have a free moment. We did buy an elliptical last year and put it in our bedroom so I can use it any time of day whether the kids are awake or asleep. I put the baby gate in the doorway so they stay safely on the other side but can still talk to me if they need something. I concentrate much better when they are not able to interrupt me so I usually only do that as a follow up to the DVD. I will say that if I had to go to a job every day, I would just have to wake up early(5:30 or so) and do the workout then. I know that I would have absolutely no time the rest of the day to do it.

    Also planning meals ahead of time or doing a "cooking day" where you make freezer meals to pull out and cook later are very helpful. Crock Pot meals are nice because you throw them in don't have to mess with them until dinner time. As far as getting the housework done...sometimes you just have to let it go. :D Cram a bunch of it into one of your rest days and get done what you can. We have a pretty big house and I was able to get the entire thing cleaned in a few hours one day. Part of that is lowering your standards, there is a wide range of what is considered clean and I used to be pretty strict on that but it took an entire day to clean the house. That's pretty impractical when you are trying to care for your family and implement a new healthy lifestyle.

    I think the only way to stick to it and make it work is in your brain. YOU have to WANT it. It sounds silly but that's what it takes. You have to WANT to eat healthy, WANT to exercise, WANT to change. If you think about it, have you ever wanted something? You probably found a way to get it. If you sit back and wish for it, it won't happen.(Diet pills and fads are the same as wishing!) You have to DO something about it or you won't ever reach your goals.

    I've struggled with this but recently I made the change and stuck with it for 3 weeks and then I got a sinus infection and couldn't exercise due to the throbbing pain in my head. Thanks to medication and feeling crappy, I am back to my starting weight and I am starting over. TODAY. :) I can help support you if you want to add me as a friend. ;)
  • Stacjsteinert5
    Stacjsteinert5 Posts: 82 Member
    I have a 7 yr old, 5 yr old, and 2 yr old and I also work full time. The kids have several activities after school also. I a lot of the time struggle with finding the time and energy to keep up with my workouts. I do a better job during the week than what I do during the weekends. This is what I do to try and keep a consistent routine: I wake up early (4:20) and get a run in before the kids wake up. And then I do a DVD workout in the evening, sometimes its right after I get home from work, but sometimes I have to fit it in later in the evening b/c of kids activities or what not that goes on. You just have to make a plan on your routine and stick with it. This has worked for me for the last year, I do miss a day sometimes due to way too busy of a schedule, but at least I'm getting in a majority of what I wanted to, which is much better than doing nothing at all! GOOD LUCK, I understand the constant struggle with having small children and trying to have a healthier you!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I have 5 kids ages 2 - 9. I homeschool the oldest 3. I also coach High school & junior high volleyball from August 1st - the first weekend of November.
    I have reached my goal weight and am now maintain.
    Losing weight is not easy. Working out is not easy but you just have to make yourself do it. Some mornings when I have to go to town for practices & games I will get up and workout at 6:30 before the kids wakeup. On the days when I get to stay at home I usually workout right after lunch. As far as eating I do not eat extremely "clean", as some people call eat. I eat what we can afford and I eat what my family eats, I just measure it out and eat in moderation. I do not deprive myself. I LOVE chocolate and I do eat it. I have a sweet tooth especially around this time of year! LOL! I love me some Indian corn(chocolate candy corn).
    I would love to encourage you on your weight loss journey!
    Do your best and stay determined and you will see results!
  • KMH1125
    Thanks ladies!

    I have three kids, the oldest is four. I am also in school full time (craziness!), as well as working part-time. I know this year will go by quickly and the routine will be more normal by next summer, but it is good to have ideas for the rest of this year. Because it is so hectic, we do meal plan and make freezer meals. The freezer meals are usually reserved for the "both mommy and daddy are too tired to cook".

    I have lost weight before joining (I was almost 300 lbs at my heaviest, but am down to 207 now), I just need to keep going.

    Thanks for the ideas and the encouragement!