Insanity nutrition

I currently do the max interval insanity sessions 6 days a week (interval, plyo, cardio and cardio abs, off day, repeat) and have been for a couple months now. I have completed the entire 60 days of insanity now I'm just doing this to stay in shape. I still get exhausted with these workouts and still make some improvements with each workout. I'm just curious how many calories a day I should eat. I've been very cautious with my eating because I lost over 20 pounds doing insanity and I don't want to put it back on. I am a 5'9 150 pound 19 year old male. The insanity guide says I should eat around 3000 calories for maintenance when I classified myself as very active and around 2700 when I said moderately active. I don't eat near that much. I didn't know if I should reduce my calorie intake since I've been doing insanity for a while or what I should do about caloric intake.


  • kwedman488
    kwedman488 Posts: 132 Member
    It depends on what you want. If you're happy with how you are physically right now and don't have any more weight you want to lose, then up your calories by 100 calories for a week at a time or even every other week, until you find where your maintenance level is where you don't lose or gain weight. Otherwise if you want to continue to lose, then continue to eat the amount of calories you were eating the first time around with insanity, whatever that was.
  • cspencer37
    I've been erring on the side of caution for the last month or so and eating too few calories at least 5 days a week (2000 or less). I just don't know what a good calorie limit is for my body and exercise routine. I've tried several of the online calorie needs calculators and they all give me a different answer. I also didn't know if I'm considered moderately or very active and all that.
  • kwedman488
    kwedman488 Posts: 132 Member
    Well what I would do is start with the minimum amount and go from there-see how you feel, if you're feeling tired a lot or hungry then increase your calories a bit and then make another assessment. I know I'm very active, but I only put myself as lightly active just to keep myself in check. Everyone reacts differently, so it's really just a touch and go kind of thing. Don't worry, you're at the easy part; most people spend their whole lives constantly adjusting to get their calorie and macro needs just right for their bodies' needs-particularly those who are big in the weight lifting world and have to constantly shift between bulking and cutting to get the body fat/muscle ratio they want.