Off to a Bad Start - Oops!

Hey, I'm Robert. I started using myfitnesspal on my Droid a bit over 2 weeks ago, and I love it. I'm shooting to lose a pound per week, with the goal of getting back down to 175 - 180 lbs, down from my current 213 lbs.

My job is not one that keeps me physically active, I sit most of the day. So I bicycle 6 to 10 miles 2 to 3 days a week up and down our Tennessee hills, and once a month or so I go cave exploring, and occasionally I'll hike the woods.

I did my first weigh-in Monday... don't you believe the little thing below that says I've lost 0 pounds, though it's technically true. No, I GAINED 2 pounds. (sigh)

So, what went wrong? I rarely went over my calorie limit, at least according to what I entered in my diary. I think I underestimated my helping sizes, for one thing. For example, logging 1/2 cup of cottage cheese when it was probably closer to a full cup. And just how many cups is half a peach, anyway?? LOL So to correct it for the next few weeks, I'm trying to be more accurate on that score.

I'm looking for any tips as to judging my serving sizes. Also, I'm looking for an aerobic routine I can sustain for at least 30 minutes on the days I don't bicycle, something that concentrates on arms and upper body to give my legs a rest.

And help with my biggest hurdle: killing hunger late at night, between supper and bedtime.


  • OceanBlue80
    Check out this post someone did earlier's a great way to figure your portions when you can't/don't want to measure
  • Fatoshie
    Fatoshie Posts: 47 Member
    I'd say you are losing inches rather than weight for now. were you always exercising that much or not? if not then you are probbaly building muscles right now and its a good thing. muscles burn the fat. at first you dont see any changes and sometimes you even feel like you are getting even bigger but its all becoz your muscles are building up before the fat starts going away! :)
    also eating often (not a whole meal each time) helps your metabolizm work faster so maybe thats what you need?
  • mrsdonaheღ
    I find if I'm bored between supper and bedtime I'm hungry..If I'm busy time goes by and I don't even realize it...And make sure you are eating all of your calories, stocking up on fiber and whole grains to make you feel fuller. And I think it's awesome that you bike that distance 2-3 times a week...Good for you!!! And perhaps the scale went up because you've gained muscle (muscle weighs more than fat) So don't get discouraged!! Jamming to music is always a fun way to burn calories, too. Everything counts...You getting up and down out of your chair at work, cleaning, laundry, etc. You're moving, and that counts. Keep at it, keep up the good work!!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Like fatoshi said about the inches. Right now I am doing a program where people tone up more then lose weigh so I made sure to take my measurements before I started. So within the first month no weight loss but I did lose 10 inches. I firmly believe that measurements are a great tool from getting you to be discouraged. You can track your measurements on MFP too. Also, you don't have to use the ones that they have listed. You can add more. Like I keep track of both biceps, forearms, thighs, calves, wrists then waist, hips and chest.

    Hope that helps! This is a great tool!
  • eabrown1
    Buy a set of measuring cups. I felt like an idiot the first few times I was measuring out my food, but it helps so much. Now I have a much better idea of what a correct serving is of the foods I eat, especially the ones I eat regularly.

    Measuring meat is really difficult, I didn't buy a scale to measure out the 3 oz, but, "experts" say that a serving of meat is equated to the size of a deck of cards, which seems reasonable.

    My last suggestion is to do the math. On the container of cottage cheese is has an oz on it. So if it's an 8 oz thing of cheese, then the whole carton is 1 cup and 1/2 of 1/2 of a cup.

    Hope this helps! I certainly have problems with portion control, so I totally feel where you're coming from!
  • sewele
    sewele Posts: 27
    I always go for meat go with your fist size.

    For others just get a measuring cup and make your food for the next day the night before that way you are accurate.

    For a snack before bed try almonds they have protein.

    Try and elliptical for cardio besides biking it adds in your arms and is great for burning calories. Doing this for 30 mins can burn anywhere from 280-365 cals.
  • sandyl5277
    Great Ideas everyone it is nice to have a place to go where you can get words of advise
  • rcsewell
    rcsewell Posts: 18 Member
    These are great ideas and things to think about. Thanks!

    Sewele, do almonds have as many calories as peanuts? Peanuts are filling, but the cals add up. I would love an elliptical, I'm going to need something to replace the bike during the winter months. Now, if I could find one on the cheap...

    Eabrown, I've started using the measuring cups last night. Yep, I feel a bit silly, but my wife won't laugh. Well, yes she will, but I don't mind. :)

    I hope you all are right about the weight coming from muscle build-up. I should take measurements and track that, too. Wonderful idea. My legs do feel stronger. I've been at it since late May this year. I'm just impatient for it to start showing up in my belly, or rather, lack thereof!

    Msdonahe, what do you do to keep busy that time of night? You're right, if I stay busy, I don't think about hunger. But that's my unwind time. Hmmm...