Damned if you do, damned if you don't

littlemo78 Posts: 16 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Anyone here dealing with this? My doctor informed me a couple weeks ago that I was pre-diabetic and that if I don't start losing weight and exercising, I may not have another chance to fix this. So, I started eating right and using the Wii Fit to burn calories. Well, now my home life is in shambles because I'm "a picky eater" and spending all my time on the Wii.

I don't know what to do! I could stop using the Wii and use the apt complex gym instead, but at least with the Wii, I'm right there to talk to, it's not like I come home eat and disappear.


  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    You need to do what is best for you, which is to get healthy. Explain this to your family, and they should understand. My husband is diabetic, and we have over $300 per month in out of pocket costs for his treatment, monitoring, etc., which does not include his insurance premium. You can ask the family if they would rather come up with the extra money for your treatment, or deal with you exercising and eating better. I'm sure that the choice will be clear.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    One of the great things about this site is that you can find a LOT of support here. As far as at home, try explaining that you're changing to better your health for yourself and for your family. It's okay to be selfish if that involves nipping the diabetes in the bud! Change is hard, and it may take awhile for your loved ones to get used to the new you. Hopefully they'll see the positive changes you're making and begin giving you help and support.

    Kudos to you for starting your journey to better health!
  • littlemo78
    littlemo78 Posts: 16 Member
    I think what I may do is try to go to bed a little earlier and then get up around 5am and exercise then. I hope I don't wake anyone up. Apt is kinda small lol. Yoga is quiet.. I could do that .. now that I think about it.

    Ok.. now I just need to get my tired behind out of bed! That's going to be a challenge in itself hahaha
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Change is tramatic to those we love (and spend lots of time with) they can be freaked out by our ability to switch things up. Plus is we change the way we live that must mean the potential illness is REAL that for those who love us that is pretty scarry.

    Try hard to be kind and understanding of his fear, but do NOT let it impact your new smart choices! See where you can include your family/friends with walks etc... and try to make it fun for them.

    Sometimes the new energy we get from exercise can be a plus - if you know what I mean :wink: :heart: :wink: If you give those in your life a reason to want to encourage you it can help.

    I've been married so long that the biggest turn on for my husband is my new found energy being used to do the dishes every night. Whoot. But none the less he's pretty happy about it.

  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    Take care of yourself first. If your not around - who's going to take care of your family. Tell them this is important for you and your health so that you will be around for them for a long, long time. Who can argue with that?

    You deserve to be healthy.
  • I think it may be less to do with the time spent on the Wii and being picky and more to do with your family's feelings towards the fact that you are about to lose weight. A lot of people, particularly partners can be unsupportive or sabotage diets because they are scared of what it will mean for them. It might be that they are scared that you will change or be different, that you won't want them any more when you're thin and confident, perhaps that you will attract other people or perhaps it just draws attention to their own insecurtities and the fact that they are doing nothing to help themselves.

    If you think this could be the problem I'd suggest talking to your family, asking if they have fears or concerns and trying to make them feel better about it. If it's your partner, reassure him that nothing will change except that you'll be more healthy for him and your kid/s. Or think of all the things that will benefit him.

    Hope this helps xox
  • If there's any way you can get your family involved in your exercise with you, that may be a good way for them to compromise. Like going on family hikes/ walks/ bike rides/ swimming/ sports/ etc. There are also some really delicious and healthy recipes out there, and maybe cooking those healthy meals for the entire family will be helpful (meaning you do research on healthy meals that everyone would be willing to eat, and then help cook them). You family's health is also important, and it's good to get everyone into healthy habits. Just some ideas :)
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    if youre pre diabetic, and youre able to change that status, it may be to your advantage, both physically and financially

    Ever know some ones whos diabetic and then applied for medical insurance? Its a bear, you literally are always turned down, or your rates are going to be sky high..........

    Deal with the drama, but get well.........Youre not that overweight that you need to spend years on it. Good luck Lloyd
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I think it may be less to do with the time spent on the Wii and being picky and more to do with your family's feelings towards the fact that you are about to lose weight. A lot of people, particularly partners can be unsupportive or sabotage diets because they are scared of what it will mean for them. It might be that they are scared that you will change or be different, that you won't want them any more when you're thin and confident, perhaps that you will attract other people or perhaps it just draws attention to their own insecurtities and the fact that they are doing nothing to help themselves.

    If you think this could be the problem I'd suggest talking to your family, asking if they have fears or concerns and trying to make them feel better about it. If it's your partner, reassure him that nothing will change except that you'll be more healthy for him and your kid/s. Or think of all the things that will benefit him.

    Hope this helps xox

    I completely agree...maybe it's a good idea to work out at the apartment gym...just so they don't have to sit and watch you...until you have the discussion with them...it's about your health, your benefits...if you don't do this, you could get very sick...it's that simple
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    I don't have any advice other than do what's best for you!!!! Your family will eventually "come to terms" with the new you!

    Also, CONGRATS on the new you!!! Good Luck and we're here to listen whenever you need us!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • momzyvee
    momzyvee Posts: 12 Member
    Good luck, hope your family gets more supportive, my suggestion is don't overdo it, I am assuming that your doctor has advised you what to eat? A healthy diet should be good for all family members, and if you prepare the meals, then eat everything prepared, except eat smaller portions and don't make any big deal out of it. If you are being accused of being a picky eater is it because there is way too much unhealthy food in your home? Try to make gradual changes to your families diet. Also you probably shouldn't need more than 1/2 hour of wii a day, that should not be considered excessive. Instead of spending so much time on the wii, could you incorporate more walking into your day, (more housework, LOL) convince your family to walk with you, bike ride, out for a game of frisbee. and of course. sex burns calories. Above all don't overdo it. a gradual weight loss, and a sustainable exercise plan and a change to a more healthy lifestyle that will stay with you and your family for life is preferable to a mad rush to lose weight and get fit.
    Now. I just need to follow my own advice, lol
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I think what I may do is try to go to bed a little earlier and then get up around 5am and exercise then. I hope I don't wake anyone up. Apt is kinda small lol. Yoga is quiet.. I could do that .. now that I think about it.

    Ok.. now I just need to get my tired behind out of bed! That's going to be a challenge in itself hahaha

    Typically I find when stuff like this is occurring, that there are other underlying issues that are bothering the person. Not to get all "counselor" on you, but is that REALLY what is bothering your loved one?

    Just making a very broad suggestion. Are they also unhappy about the way they eat and their body image? Sorry to pick any wounds...but just a thought from someone who used to do the same thing herself.
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    Your family has to adjust to you and learn what diabetes is. By teaching them the effects of diabetes and the remedy they will back off and start adjusting to your lifestyle.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    First of all I just want you to know that it very possible to reverse your medical issues before they become bad. Last December my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic and my blood pressure and cholesterol were very close to the “danger zone”, and said I was 3 – 6 months away from being put on medication for all three. As of my visit last month, my blood work has never looked better and I am no longer in danger of needing medications. Please don’t give up!!

    It can be really hard for our families to adjust to changes in our lifestyles like that. Maybe if you explain to your family that you’re doing this for your health they might be more supportive. Make sure they know all the health issues you will face if you don’t make this change. You can also try to make your workouts into “family time” activities. My husband comes with me on my walks/jogs and if you have kids who like sports, playing and running around with them is great exercise.

    Best of luck!!! Don’t let this discourage you from getting healthier.
  • littlemo78
    littlemo78 Posts: 16 Member
    You know, I did think about that and I hope that's not the case.
  • littlemo78
    littlemo78 Posts: 16 Member
    I think it may be less to do with the time spent on the Wii and being picky and more to do with your family's feelings towards the fact that you are about to lose weight. A lot of people, particularly partners can be unsupportive or sabotage diets because they are scared of what it will mean for them. It might be that they are scared that you will change or be different, that you won't want them any more when you're thin and confident, perhaps that you will attract other people or perhaps it just draws attention to their own insecurtities and the fact that they are doing nothing to help themselves.

    If you think this could be the problem I'd suggest talking to your family, asking if they have fears or concerns and trying to make them feel better about it. If it's your partner, reassure him that nothing will change except that you'll be more healthy for him and your kid/s. Or think of all the things that will benefit him.

    Hope this helps xox

    I meant to quote this when replying that I hope that's not the case.
  • littlemo78
    littlemo78 Posts: 16 Member
    I think what I may do is try to go to bed a little earlier and then get up around 5am and exercise then. I hope I don't wake anyone up. Apt is kinda small lol. Yoga is quiet.. I could do that .. now that I think about it.

    Ok.. now I just need to get my tired behind out of bed! That's going to be a challenge in itself hahaha

    Typically I find when stuff like this is occurring, that there are other underlying issues that are bothering the person. Not to get all "counselor" on you, but is that REALLY what is bothering your loved one?

    Just making a very broad suggestion. Are they also unhappy about the way they eat and their body image? Sorry to pick any wounds...but just a thought from someone who used to do the same thing herself.

    Well she has complained about her weight for years now, but doesn't stick to anything. I just hope that she's not hating on me because I'm trying to stay away from the needles.
  • littlemo78
    littlemo78 Posts: 16 Member
    Your family has to adjust to you and learn what diabetes is. By teaching them the effects of diabetes and the remedy they will back off and start adjusting to your lifestyle.

    The sad thing is that she knows very well what diabetes is, which is why I don't understand why she gets so moody.
  • I would not call my family unsupportive but my kids are scared about me changing. "but mom, you're pretty the way you are" is sweet but what it's saying, I think, is "don't change too much, mom"!
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    I would not call my family unsupportive but my kids are scared about me changing. "but mom, you're pretty the way you are" is sweet but what it's saying, I think, is "don't change too much, mom"!

    Man my kids are like "when are going to lose the fat", my kids want me to lose weight, they do not like that i am fat.
    yes they use the word "FAT" a lot. Its not we have not had a talk about saying that word, but they are like tell it like it is, any other way is a lie.
    I think my weight affects my 6 yr old daughter the most, she wants me to be skinny like her.
    Out of my family i am the one with the weight issue, everyone got daddy's skinny gene. eat anything you want and don't gain weight at all.
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