Accuracy of Heart Rate Monitors

I’m wondering what everyone opinion on heart rate monitors’ accuracy is. Is there a way to test the monitor? I have been running/walking about 4 miles a day. Today, for example, my HRM had a total of over 500 calories burned during the hour session. From what I’ve read most people burn about 100 cal per mile of running. I alternate between running and walking; only running for a mile at a time.

I can’t remember the brand, but the HRM uses a chest strap to take its measurements.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    At minimum you would want to deduct your BMR calories. It's all an estimate...I used to log and eat back roughly 80% of what my HRM told me I burned and I lost 40 Lbs easily doing that.
  • onetoughmudder
    At minimum you would want to deduct your BMR calories. It's all an estimate...I used to log and eat back roughly 80% of what my HRM told me I burned and I lost 40 Lbs easily doing that.

    i did the same....I felt like I needed to subtract the calories I would've burned doing nothing. 500 does seem kind of high if you're not running the whole time.
  • nicknpick
    nicknpick Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the replies! How do I figure out what my BMR would be during the time I exercise? Take my total BMR (1500) and divide it by 24 (hours in the day)?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    You can't just go by the 100 calories an hour though either. Yes that's an average but that doesn't mean that's what you're burning. There are so many variables - your weight, your overall cardio fitness level, the terrain (is it flat or hilly, pavement or trail), etc. Even though you're walking intervals your heart rate is also going to be higher from the running intervals than if you just went out for a walk.
  • nicknpick
    nicknpick Posts: 12 Member
    Very true. My heart rate does stay up over the 55% mark even while walking. I guess I just want to know for sure that the data my HRM is collecting can be trusted. I eat most of my exercise calories once or twice a week (darn days off), and would like to know that I'm not eating more than I really burnt! Sometimes the numbers from the HRM just seem so high. Or maybe I'm just working that hard!
  • cycling2live
    If there is a personal info section in the setup, make sure all the info is correct. Usually includes your age, weight, etc.