How to avoid weekend meltdowns?

prindog Posts: 3 Member
Every weekend I always gain back the weight I lost and sometimes more! Its not that I'm doing it on purpose, I guess it's because I'm not as busy on the weekends and I'm always home around food. Do you have any tricks or solutions to this? Do you have trouble with temptation on the weekends? Please help and friend me, I'm always looking for feedback!


  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I think if it were me, I would try to meal plan for the weekend until I could get a handle on it. That takes a lot of pressure off.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Get rid of the junk in your house. When you get hungry, you'll be forced to eat something healthy.

    If you're going to eat a little more on the weekends, then get up early and hit the gym and burn some calories. Enjoy yourself and have some of the foods you want but just do it in moderation, limit portion sizes, etc.
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    Hi - I have this problem too..I feel out of control.. my family has a more 'spur of the moment' visits to Tim Horton's, Starbucks, etc there always seems to be more beer, wine and desserts and it's hard hard's the problem I have. I have tried doing more exercise - like swimming - even if it's just 'hanging out' with my kids in the pool I do my own personal water aerobics...go for a walk...sometime I've also done that has helped a bit is to weigh myself on Fridays that way I see how much I've lost in the week and that motivates me a bit. I also don't eat my calories back from my exercise because I figure I eat all those calories on the weekend - when I don't even want to. I'd love to know what other people do... I know that some people have this problem during the week and they are more in control during the weekend.
  • Rosieannaxo
    I usually give myself one cheat meal during the weekend, it's my little end of the week treat haha. As for the rest of the weekend, I usually log it in on Friday night just so I can stay on track. Temptations are really hard on the weekends so I make myself busy. If you search hard enough, I'm sure there's TONS of things that need to be done around the house. Also, you can exercise a bit more:)
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    I've got two words for you: PRE. LOG. On weekends (or anytime you anticipate having a hard time keeping to plan), don't just log your food after you eat it. Plan what you're going to eat for the day and log it FIRST, THEN eat your plan. If you need some discretionary calories to eat unplanned treats for a flexible lifestyle, then plan ahead how many discretionary calories you can have (for instance, 200), but pre-log all the rest of your food, reserving that many calories. Then when you're eating unplanned food, you can remember that you've only got 200 calories (or whatever) to play with, and it helps you remember to stay in control.

    Alternatively, you can adjust your overall plan. How many calories are you going over plan on weekends? Say it's 800 per day on both days, for a total of 1600 calories. Reduce your overall plan by 250 calories per day, and you'll save up 1500 calories over the other 5 days of the week: BAM! You've banked calories.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I agree with pre-logging and getting rid of the trigger foods. That does not mean you are getting rid of the foods permanently, just until you can get a handle on portion control and eating whatever you log in.

    I also agree with extra exercise on the weekends because if you do overeat it might balance your calorie allowances out.
  • fettgeist
    fettgeist Posts: 12 Member
    Plan everything. Have everything already weighed and portioned out, just like you would on the weekdays.

    Personally on the weekends are when my cheat meal / cheat snack happens. Plan that too! Log ahead of time and factor your cheat in, then make sure you still meet your macros with that in there. Also making sure to work out on the day you have a cheat really helps...

    This is really bad, but sometimes on weekends I visit my mom and eat way too much candy. I still log it disdainfully, and make sure everything else I eat it is solid (usually just chicken and broccoli) to make up for my insane behavior.
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    I have the same problem but also in the afternoons as I only work until 1pm & find myself raiding the kitchen arghhh

    Pre logging definitely helps & I keep myself busy. There's always plenty to do around the house :)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Plan a maintenance day for the weekend. If you have a deficit six days of the week then eat to maintenance one day on the weekend, you're still coming out ahead.
  • dumparump
    dumparump Posts: 50 Member
    A block or two of dark chocolate for me once a day usually helps curb my cravings. :)
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    Every weekend I always gain back the weight I lost and sometimes more! Its not that I'm doing it on purpose, I guess it's because I'm not as busy on the weekends and I'm always home around food. Do you have any tricks or solutions to this? Do you have trouble with temptation on the weekends? Please help and friend me, I'm always looking for feedback!

    Get disciplined, find maybe a pic that motivates, meal plan, eliminate junk food com your house and stop letting yourself down
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    The weekends used to be hard for me but that was when I ate at a low calorie deficit (1200 cals). Now that I am eating more (500 cals less than I burn), I dont struggle as much. Plus I am more active. I take walks and get a good workout in on Saturdays.On Sundays, I dont stress it as much but I try to make good choices.

    I make sure to load up on protein which fills me so I wont eat as much junk. I also make sure to get my veggies in before I go for a snack.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I fall prey to this too. I've been planning out our meals in advance. I also try to get out of the house for a while. Maybe take up a hobby that keeps your mind off food?
  • toni5363
    toni5363 Posts: 55 Member
    Very interesting posts. I too have weekend meltdowns. I will try some of the interesting post that I just read. Thanks to all of you.