Anyone here to lose an extreme amount of weight?



  • Welcome. You have a support group here. The journey isn't easy but take it one step at a time. I started on this site just about 2 months ago wanting to lose 110 to 120 pounds. I am down almost 20 on my journey. One step and one day at a time. I am in Kaiser's bariatric program looking to have a gastric sleeve sometime in the first half of next year. Reach out anytime - we all share a common struggle.
  • adzua
    adzua Posts: 1
    Hi I am trying to lose 100lbs. It is hard and frustrating at times. I need support also, if you like we can support each other. Is this ok with you? If not no worries take it one day at a time and one meal at a time
  • I am trying to lose 120#s but I seem to self sabotage. I have to get out of the fat girl mind set! Best of luck to you and I know it can be done with out surgery and you will be happier to do it your self :)
  • I am here to loose weight as well. I do not have your goal but very proud of the decision you have made to live a healthier livestyle. I am looking for input as well and helpful hints to accomplish our goal. I got a 360 x box Kinect as I did not want people ot watch and I have a friend that comes over to help motivate me and I bought the biggest looser disc and work out to it. I have built up the time since I started and the amount of stuff I do and the disc evaluates to make sure you are doing it correctly so you get the best impact on your workout. good luck.
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi there! I have lost 100 lbs. Not an extreme amout but it was a lot and took a lot of hard work.

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • natasha8812
    natasha8812 Posts: 15 Member
    I want to lose at least 6 stone that's about 90 lb but I will keep going after I have reached it. I have had a few set backs and bad days but tomorrow is a new day. You just have to look in the mirror and say 'I can do this I will look and feel fabulous' once it starts coming off it will inspire you to carry on going good luck.
    anyone can add me as a friend for support and encouragement xxx
  • Thank you all for your words of encouragement! I especially enjoyed the poem, I am going to print that out and tack it up all over my house so it's a constant reminder for me!!! Thank you!

    And to each of you, regardless of why you are on MFP.... Each of us is a precious being. We were created from love, raised with love, and we are surrounded by love. There is no guilt, or shame, in what we are doing here. We are displaying courage beyond what many people have! It takes serious guts to change your entire life and make choices that aren't always popular but are healthier for YOU.

    I am so deeply touched by everyone who responded, and I hope we ALL meet our goals.

    P.S. My new years goal is to be at least 30 lbs. down. I started Oct. 21 and I know from past experience that it pours off the first two months at my size, so that seems realistic enough to me. And if I don't make it? Oh well! I know I will have LOST weight anyway and besides, I FEEL better with my new choices in place and that matters too :)