When did you really feel like you werea success?

I started my most recent weight loss journey in late August. I have lost 14.8 lbs since and while I know that is a good number, I just keep thinking to myself it just feels like a small dent in my journey. My short term goal is to lose 20 lbs by the time I go on vacation on Dec 9th. My ultimate goal is to lose a total of 50 by June. I think part of my issue is while my clothes feel better I really do not see much of a change, even with photos. I am short but my weight is pretty well distributed every where so everywhere is a problem area.

So my question is when did you really look at yourself in your journey and think "I am really doing this" and really start to feel like you were a success?


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I don't really recall a specific amount of loss or anything, but once people started noticing. I had 50 pounds to lose as well and it took me about a year.
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    Make sure you measure yourself! That's where I'm seeing the largest success so far.

    Although I've only lost 24lbs, I have lost 17" so far. 24lbs really isn't that much in the grand scheme of things, but I keep telling myself that I have lost a foot of flesh. Celebrate those smaller victories and that will help you feel successful so that you are motivated to keep going. :)
  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    I don't think you can consider yourself ever 'done'. Enjoy the journey, 14 pounds gone is a great achievement. I got a lot more comments in the early days of my weight lose than I do now.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Every week is a new chance for me to fail or succeed. I'll never be done, but hopefully I'll always be better than when I started.
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    I still don't feel like a "success" per se. That used to be frustrating for me, but now it's motivating. I like fitness, I look forward to my workouts, so being a "success" would make me feel finished, and I don't want to be finished.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    When I stopped caring what others thought of me, and started caring for my self.
  • emartin17
    emartin17 Posts: 123 Member
    Being 192 (pounds) and running a marathon.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    When my wedding dress arrived and the tailor said "You ordered this a size too large." I told him the sales girl wouldn't order a size smaller when I went in because she said "ALL women say they'll lose weight for their wedding and they never do"(it was the only place in town with the dress I wanted or I would've left pronto). He called her over to show her, and I don't usually get in people's faces, but turning to her and actually saying "I told you so - you really shouldn't dump all your customers into that pile of bull cookies" felt really good. The look on her face as she bit her lip was so priceless that the tailor laughed really long and hard and said he wasn't going to charge me more for the extra work since it was the store's fault!

    That was 1.5 years after I started doing regular cardio and about three months after I started weights. Keep going - it can feel frustrating sometimes - maybe even weeks at a time - but don't stop getting healthy. Best of luck!
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