In Need Of Motivating Friends!!!

Jenna19 Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am having a tough time staying on track, I could really use some more friends! I have a LONG WAYYYY TOOOO GOOOOOO!!!!!!


  • I too need motivating friends. I am here for you. We both have a long way to go. Let's work together!
  • MandyTG
    MandyTG Posts: 6 Member
    I understand girl! I would give my right arm for a Sonic peanut butter cup blast right now, but I want to get it shape so I can play with my boys and do fun stuff like hiking and camping with them. It will be worth it!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Any of you feel free to add me to friends :] i too enjoy having people to support me!

    I am studying dietetics here at college so i can give any advice if needed :]
  • Please include me too ... thanks :)
  • Hi There,
    Feel free to add me as a friend..I have a long way to go to and can use all the friends I can get!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Let me get my stick, I'll keep ya in line.

    Add me Jenna and best wishes.
  • Feel free to add me as a friend...I already lost 11 & still have a ways to go!!!! My food diary is public - I like looking at everyones diary's for ideas...I eat all day long with little meals all day...Alot of times you'll see my meals with different things but their not all eaten at the same time.

    There are days especially when hormones arise that are hard but you tracking your food really helps.

    Good Luck
    My real name is Lynda
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    Feel free to add me, any or all of you. Glad to share this journey.
  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    Feel free to add me as well. I am new to MFP and need people to motivate me. Some days I feel great but others are hard. I think supportive friends can really help.
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