looking for some diet buddies :)



  • prrite
    prrite Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Phil. I'm 50, and from North Carolina. I'm wanting to lose 60 pounds or so to start out and see where i am, and how I feel. Studies show i should be around the 175 range, but I'm shooting for 199 and then re-evaluate. Obviously, I'm at 260 now and have recently started walking 60 mins a day. My excercise goal is 15,000 steps a day (fitbit). I've been recording what I eat and will be reducing calorie intake after I see the doctor on thursday. Any encouragers/motivators welcome. Thanks!
  • jennycita
    jennycita Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! My name is Jenny! I am trying to lose 25 lbs or so leaving me at around 130. I'm short (5'1) so my BMI should at like 115, but I'm not trying to go down that low.
    I can always use motivation and support so feel free to add me!
  • sasienka
    Hi everybody,

    so I have started like 5 months ago and lost around 5 kg, but I have another 7 to go. Now Im in South Sudan working as a doctor (gyn/ob) and food is horrible, so its easy to loose. What Im afraid is, that when I come home, I will be in old bad habits again. But I think with a little support we all can do it together! :)
    Good luck in your journey!
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member

    I am Jennifer and I am 26 from Edmonton! I have about 8lbs more to go till I hit my goal weight.

    Feel free to add me! I don't really have too many people I am friends with through MyFitnessPal and it would be nice to have a few more to follow and help encourage/motivate myself :)