Kinda bummed...

Today was my physical. It's the first time I've been to the doctor since I got really serious about exercising and losing weight. I know the weight I've lost since starting here is lost since I've been there...and I'm pretty sure I've lost MORE since I was there the last time.

Not a word was said about it. :(

And to top it off, my BP was still reading high, and he's started me on Hydtochlorot - it's a thiazide diuretic. :(:(

All this exercise and eating right and losing weight and stuff still isn't right. I want to cry.


  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    I'm sorry they did not notice your weight loss. I find that doctors like to point out the bad but don't recognize the good. You have lost 21 pounds and that is fantastic. Don't let them get you down!
  • missyring1231
    Just keep on trying... who cares if they didnt notice, you are doing this for you no one else........ Keep ur head up
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    Doctors never say anything positive, they only point out the negative:noway: .....I think they make that part of med school:laugh: LOL. Next time point it out to them!:wink:
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Oh God hunny, I'm so sorry!!! I can so related! When I first got started and went from 185 to 155 I had a doctors appointment. I was so excited to go in and see what he had to say. He didn't even NOTE the fact that I had dropped 30 pounds. He suggested that the symptoms I was experiencing was because I was overweight and that I do everything I can to loose weight.


    Um, can you please look at my chart because I've LOST 30 pounds! I was so upset. He even had a nutritionist call me without telling me. I answered my phone and she was like "Hi! I'm so and so and your doctor told me to call you because you need to loose weight. You have an unhealthy BMI."

    Really? No way! That must be why I've been working my butt off to loose weight! I'm so sorry hunny. Doctors sometimes I just retarded and insensitive. With all of my medical issues I've seen way too many doctors in my life. You have to take what they say with a grain of salt...or what they don't say.

    Praying for you hunny...don't be too are doing great! And I have faith in you!
  • ksnurse25
    ksnurse25 Posts: 62 Member
    Hydrochlorothyazide.... :) Well shame on them! The first thing the nurse should have said've lost...congrats! Since they didn't I will do that for you. CONGRATS, YOU LOST WEIGHT!!!! Keep up the good work and don't let someone get you down because they apparently are so routine that they are not considering you as the a person! Shame on them. You are doing great, so keep it up and keep your chin up.
  • Mivettevan
    Mivettevan Posts: 6 Member
    I am very proud of you for your pounds lost...that is a great thing! If you keep at it, you will find your BP dropping. But the main thing is to remember that you are on track for being more healthy!:happy:
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    what a jerk with the bedside manner--oh wait, he doesn't have any & neither do the staff!

    You're doing great and you WILL get your levels down. Ask if another med is available. Keep em on their toes. You don't have to take the first thing he prescribes. ask about side effects, etc. you're paying him--make him earn it!
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm trying to stay positive. I know I'm doing this for me - and I'm not going to stop. It's just so frustrating - especially the BP since all I've heard before is "losing weight brings it under control" but it's still at the same level it's registered in the office for the past few years. So that's frustrating AND kind of scary that there may be nothing other than medication I can do about it.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I know exactly where you are, my friend. I saw my cardiologist two weeks ago and he too said nothing about my weight loss. But when I see him again in SIX months and I'm another 50 lbs lighter, if he doesn't say something.... I WILL! You are on the right track. Are you also watching your sodium intake? You MUST keep it under control as often as possible. It is very difficult and I know this. But you have to be serious about it. I'll bet if you get another 20 lbs off, you might not need that medicine anymore. I don't want to hear you say that you're doing all this work and it isn't benefiting you. I don't believe that! You may not be getting the benefits you WANT but you ARE receiving benefits. And the more you lose, the greater the benefits will get. Don't you get discouraged!

    That's it..... I'm not going to LET you get discouraged....Ima go add you to my friends list right better accept! :) We'll do this together! HUGS!

    Besides.....can't you feel a difference in your jeans? You've lost 21 lbs! That is OUTSTANDING! :)
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I can relate. When I was losing, I went to my doc about 15 pounds down. I was really psyched and thought he would notice and tell me how well I was doing. Instead he just looked at me and said try to "shave off a few pounds." Yea, sure! Just shave them off like they are nothing or a stray hair or something.

    Your doc means well. He/She is just trying to tell you how important the weight loss is to your overall health.

    Some of my "friends" tell me that I've lost too much weight. My answer -- "My doctor wants me to lose more." The truth is that like like you at the very low end of the BMI charts, I think.

    They all seem to be the same in this regard. Just keep taking care of YOU.
  • JettB
    JettB Posts: 1
    I also think doctors tend to mention the negative. Maybe it's med school, maybe it's being around sick people every day. Maybe they think if they don't have some sort of warning to give you, they aren't doing their job. But you have lost 21 lbs, and that's AWESOME. 21 lbs! In weight that's about 2 bowling balls your knees aren't carrying around anymore, and that's spectacular.
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    I think you should keep at it. You are on track and it will show soon. Don't get upset that it looks like your not doing well. You are losing the weight so keep it up and your BP will show that later. good luck. Stay strong. :)))) Hug.
  • collettemrk
    21 pounds!! That's an amazing achievement!!I know we all like outside support but sometimes you have to reach within and say who cares I know what I've done!! Keep plugging away're support is here .
  • Pandemonium
    Hey 21 pounds is great! Your body will follow once this adjustment period has ended. Sounds like your doctor could be nicer to you about your progress, but that is what we are here for!

    We can be your support!

    Watching your salt in-take is a good way to reduce blood pressure. Most healthy adults need only between 1,500 and 2,400 milligrams (mg) of sodium a day. But if you have high blood pressure, aim for less than 1,500 mg of sodium a day. Eating oatmeal is a good way to reduce your Blood pressure.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Thanks again guys!

    I'm feeling a bit more positive this morning. I know that I AM doing good for myself, and I'm not going to let a lack of acknowledgment by my doctor get me down. I know I'm making progress and making healthy choices. He did at least acknowledge that my exercise is really good.

    One side benefit of the water pill he's put me on is that to increase my potassium I'll be eating even better - putting even more fruits and veggies in the diet than I've had. So I can look on the positive side. :)
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    also wanted to recomment you add valerian and/or hawthorn capsules as an herbal supplement to help with the BP. they will not interfere with your prescription medication. I would go with the valerian at bedtime. Good luck and i would love to see your dr's face at your followup if you give it a shot!. Best of luck, regardless.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Many of us will be there if we don't lose the weight, for instance me. Keep up the good work!