ew, this is grosssssssss

I have little strech marks on my hips because i lost 20 pounds last year in like 1 month and then gained it back over the summer.. ughhh :( anyone else have stretch marks??
what's a (sexiiii*****) to do.......


  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    3 things I use: St. Ives Cellulite Control, Firming lotion and Jergens Natural Glow with Firming. The stretch marks on my stomach, hips and the cottage cheese on the back of my thighs/butt is looking better that it did when I was in my teens!!!!! It takes time, it is NOT an overnite fix, but all good things come to those who wait. If you have the patience, you will see results!
  • thesexybitch
    ahhh yes that is what ive been told countless times.. patience.. i have it.. its my relationship with food thats destroying my efforts.. binges.. im an emotional eater waaaah. im not exactly overweight right now, but i love myself better when im skinny
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I have had 3 kids and since losing a little before MFP and 11 lbs. while on MFP, I guess I have lost about 21 lbs. I feel like a deflated balloon!!!! I am short and had big babies and 3 c sections to boot. I don't know if it will ever go back or if my belly will lay beside me when I go to bed at night. I will try that stuff too. I have seen people lose a lot of weight and look pretty good even with the loose skin. I guess firming excersizes that target that area help but if I am not religious about it i start drooping agin. It's not fair!!!! But on a good note,. I have 3 beautiful healthy children to show for it!!!!Good luck.
  • thesexybitch
    yeah at least you went through labor (3 times) to get those stretch marks.
    IM 19 YEARS OLD AND NOT EVEN CONSIDERED OVERWEIGHT. ughhhhh. its the bingeing i swear.. and crash dieting all last year. daaaaaang
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i have stretch marks from a growth spurt when i was 9. i think i must've grown really tall over that summer because i have them on my hips and my shoulders. they are so nasty looking! and that is why i don't wear tank tops. and i hear you, i wouldn't mind if i had them if i had a baby because i am sure they are worth it but i just got mine because i grew like a weed:)
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    There is still hope: I had stretch marks from being overweight in my teens & dropping about 50lbs in 6 months in my early 20's. I gained back then lost again a couple times & was convinced the "Yucks" would never go away.

    Well, I'm in my mid-30's and it's looking better than it ever did: I wish my butt looked this good when I was 20-something! Patience, you CAN do this!!!! Hell - if I can do it, I KNOW you can do it!!!!
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    i have stretch marks from a growth spurt when i was 9. i think i must've grown really tall over that summer because i have them on my hips and my shoulders. they are so nasty looking! and that is why i don't wear tank tops. and i hear you, i wouldn't mind if i had them if i had a baby because i am sure they are worth it but i just got mine because i grew like a weed:)

    Yeah, same as me. I have them on my back from puberty. Don't see any stretch marks on any other part of my body though.