Hitting "Rock Bottom" with weight gain.

I think i've finally hit rock bottom with my weight gain..

I am getting tired of feeling like crap for gaining some of my weight back after i had lost it 2 years ago..

I have about 15 pounds to lose before i feel good again.

How did you know you hit rock bottom?


  • couldn't fit into any of my "sexy" clothes. my husband could SQUEEZE my waist rather than keeping a firm grip on 'em. lol

    I just didn't feel comfortable in my body anymore.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    I felt like for a little while i did let myself go but now i'm like... what did i just do!
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    You do realize that a large portion of this community has 100+ pounds to lose, right?

    Getting going with that just seems overwhelming to me. 15 pounds is cake. You'll probablybe half way there by Christmas, if not further.

    good luck
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    Belive it or not i gained 100lbs during pregnancy and i had lost it 2 years ago so i do know what its like to be in that boat but apparently the lifestyle change didnt work if i'm slowly gaining it back..

    Thanks, I'm hoping to get there by Christmas.. i keep telling myself that and i keep up the old habits.. gotta start fresh..

    Is it true they say it takes 21 days to break a habit?
  • lnhunt29
    lnhunt29 Posts: 20 Member
    I feel like I have been there for a while now and nothing is changing. I can't fit into any of my clothes and I had to go up a size. I am so embarrassed I let this happen. This will be the time I change it forever.

    Good luck for your 15lbs. I know you can do it.
  • easto_79
    easto_79 Posts: 102 Member
    My rock bottom was tieing up my shoes, and sorry if this is TMI, reaching around myself to wipe my bum become a struggle and that was it. God I was gross thank god I stopped. I still have a long way to go but I'm happy where I am and I'm going to make it to my goal this time!!!

  • PoisonDartFrog
    PoisonDartFrog Posts: 220 Member
    I knew I was out of control when I could no longer by clothes in the misses section and had to go to womens.
    I am about 50 lbs overweight and 70 from where I would really like to be.

    Ht: 5'8"
    Wt: 211.6
    Normal for my ht: 122-163
    Ideal wt: 140 lbs
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    Thanks for all of your positive reinforcements..

    What keeps you going?

    I used to have will power like no other until people told me i was too skinny and i think it made me depressed..

    Now i feel like if i dont change it now i'll never change it.
  • well, don't get discouraged... just get back on track again... you've only got 15lbs to lose! that's pretty good! :)

    at one point I was so down that I didn't think the "damage" to my body could be reversed. I didn't see the point in exercising or dieting. I just wanted my old body back... like then and there, I just had to have it back.

    But getting on track with my eating and fitness, I feel so much better knowing at least I'm trying to make a positive change.. and I'm not rushing myself anymore.

    you can do it!
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    I like the way your going with this!!!

    I just have to get my bum to the gym everyday for at least 30-45 mins no matter how tired i am..

    does that happen to you alot? are you always tired?
  • FitMolly182
    FitMolly182 Posts: 303 Member
    I really want to try to stop dwelling on my rock bottom and think about the view from the top
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Rock bottom for me was 2 different things. First weighing more than I did at delivery of either of my daughters and second my 13 yr old stealing all of my skinny clothes and telling me I didn't need them because they didn't fit me anymore....my goal steal all my stuff back and some of hers also.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    We should look at how far we have come not how much more we have to go?
  • I like the way your going with this!!!

    I just have to get my bum to the gym everyday for at least 30-45 mins no matter how tired i am..

    does that happen to you alot? are you always tired?

    you don't have to hit the gym excessively, especially if you're on a caloric deficit already.. just go for the purpose of wanting to BE stronger and more fit.

    but to answer your question, I used to be tired ALL the time... until I started working out. There is truth when people say the more active they are the less tired they feel. The key is not to make excuses for yourself NOT to go. I kind of have to psyche myself out to go sometimes. :-) good luck to you!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I like the way your going with this!!!

    I just have to get my bum to the gym everyday for at least 30-45 mins no matter how tired i am..

    does that happen to you alot? are you always tired?

    I can sort of relate to you. I lost 100 pounds a few years ago and was keeping it off. I recently gained 10 pounds and now am trying to lose that and more to finally get to my goal weight. It's scary to have weight start creeping back on. And in my case, it was only a matter of 2-3 high stress months.

    I am ALWAYS tired. I don't sleep enough despite my best efforts. I'm in school and completing a program that also requires clinical experience. So between the clinical hours, a full time job, a daughter in school herself, and a husband (he doesn't count so much as work though :)) I literally run out of time. The gym usually refreshes me, though. MOST mornings I wake up early to go.

    Days like today, I'm dead tired. I've been drinking coffee constantly. So tonight, in order to more or less stay awake and get more energy, I'll play Just Dance Wii with my daughter to get both of us moving and hopefully re-energize. It's so important to not use being tired as an excuse.

    I do give myself 1-2 days off per week but make sure I still stay lightly active those days.

    And it's hard to look at how far we've come. Losing 100 pounds seemed.... easy. My motivation was different. Even losing 10 seems to be harder than the 100. So while you "only" have 15 pounds to go they can still be a beast. Everyone has their own battle. But everyone also has their own reasons for getting into it and sticking with it. You are the only one who can make excuses. You are the only one who can make a difference in your body!!
  • bsteves06
    bsteves06 Posts: 66 Member
    Rock Botom is different to different people. I have 15 to lose as well, and it's hard. It's pregnancy weight and my daughter is almost 11 months and I'm still carrying it around :) I'm in the lose 10lbs by Xmas group so I'm hoping it will keep me on track.
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I know we're all supposed to be doing this for ourselves, not others, but for me, my rock bottom was comments from co-workers. We have a HUGE amount of sugary snacks in the office, and most all of us are overweight, etc. I was 110 pounds when I started here, a lot of people were jealous, etc. 2 years and 60 pounds later, I look just like them. And they let me know. When I heard someone talking about how "It didn't take Vickie long to fatten up here" I knew things had gone too far...
  • "Rock Bottom" happened for me just this Monday when the doctor said my cholesterol was elevated again (I had it controlled through diet and exercise) and now I am borderline diabetic. All of this is after losing almost 70 pounds and then putting 30 of it right back on. :( I am back at it now though and I refuse to let borderline diabetic go any further than that; as a matter of fact when I go back to the doctor in 3 months that A1C will be in the normal range! :)
  • mhussey14
    mhussey14 Posts: 10 Member
    I am 24, 4'11 and was 200 lbs. I went to give blood and seen how high my blood pressure is. The doctor told me if I don't lose weight, I can be in serious trouble. I am down 6 lbs since I started on Thursday. Even if I cant see the change now, I definitely feel it.
  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member
    I was 204 pounds and 28 years old and spend most of april and may of this year, in and out of the hospital figuring out wtf was wrong with me.. i had stomach issues for a year... turns out i had given myself gastritis from all the partying and bad diet and general system abuse lol

    also i have hip and lower back problems that i had to get xrays and MRIs (still dont have them figured out, but im stronger) and i was having to take pain killers every day which messed with my stomach even more...

    I couldnt believe i had let myself fall apart so badly before the age of 30.