Very New and Very Green

A Big Hello to the Community.

I suppose I am looking for some advice and support. The reasons I have decided to follow a ketogenic diet regime are because of the overwhelming feelings of fatigue after eating a high carb meal and horror at my waist measurement. According to a BMI calculation I am on the verge of overweight.

After 3 plus days on the diet, I am finding it really difficult to meet my dietary "goals" - just not hungry and not used to consuming so much fat. The lack of protein is particularly worrying and I do miss fruit and fruit drinks.

Have lost 4 - 5 lbs in the initial stages.

Any advice would be very welcome as I am determined to get that waist measurement down for health reasons.


  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    Hey there, welcome!

    I think you might want to do some more research (try Google Scholar, not Wikipedia) on high-protein and high-fat diets. While they lead to short-term weight loss more quickly than other types of diets, they're very hard on the kidneys and liver in the long run.

    I think it's great that you're ready to make some changes! But as a nurse, I cringe whenever someone tells me they're on a keto diet.
  • Guffog
    Guffog Posts: 4
    Thanks Dellaqu for your reply.

    The reason I chose a Keto diet was that I feel at risk from type 2 diabetes.

    However I shall do more research via your references.
  • Amandamoss2013
    Hi - unfortunately I agree that keto diets are not healthy in the longer term (I am also a nurse) , but more than that they are much harder to sustain. Soooooo difficult xx we are all trying to make changes, but maybe think of a more balanced diet - that's what I am going to try, although not as quick, more likely to stay off , good luck xxx
  • bmoliv66
    bmoliv66 Posts: 47 Member
    How "lacking" is your protein? If you vary your food sources you shouldn't have any problem getting adequate protein.

    Being in keto, you won't normally feel hungry in the same way you used to because of the lack of cravings caused by excessive carb consumption. I've been in keto for 5 weeks and I feel like a million bucks.
  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    The fat intake is really hard to get your head around after a lifetime of high carb, low fat thinking.

    It was for me as well.

    You will adapt and maybe even love it. You will probably miss the fruit and fruit juice less and less as you adapt to a lower carb intake, and enjoy the fat more and more.

    It works.

    Keep at it.

    Also, you should be posting this kind of topic in the Paleo/Primal or Low Carb Forums. You may get an earfull of unwanted lectures in the main forum from people who choose a different lifestyle.
  • bmoliv66
    bmoliv66 Posts: 47 Member
    And not to take away from what the others have said but keto diets for weight loss are not "high fat high protein diets". It is a high fat, moderate protein diet. Consuming too much protein compared to fat can screw with ketosis.

    Take research and advice with a grain of salt. Research can be found to prove and disprove almost anything. If you are prediabetic and keto works for you, you can do it for a while (losing weight and letting insulin sensitivity return to normal) and slowly introduce more carbs back into your diet, monitoring which ones give you problems etc.
  • Guffog
    Guffog Posts: 4
    @ bmoliv- according to my chosen programme, 60gms protein are recommended. To date I have found it difficult to consume more than around 50gms. I agree that research studies are conflicting and probably open to debate, but at the moment I shall try to adhere to a Keto diet at least in the short term. I don't have any adverse symptoms to date and that fatigue has disappeared.

    @KarensisP- I'm listening to your advice!

    @ Dellaqu and Amanda, nice to meet two nurses on here. I gave up a senior nursing post many years ago to study law. It will be quite difficult to make an informed decision about diet in the long term.
  • bmoliv66
    bmoliv66 Posts: 47 Member
    What I like to do with tuna or chicken to get my protein while still keeping the fat up is to cook them on the stove in olive or coconut oil. Cheese and nuts in moderation too will help. The best of luck to you!