50lbs + loss Body Changes?

Hello Everyone!

This is my first post in the forums. Here are my stats cause I figure that is important.

HT: 5'6"
Age 26(27 next month)


1st GW: 180lbs
UGW: 165lbs(or more if I feel and look healthy.)

I've been on this journey for about 5 years, so yeah it's taken me awhile but I love my progress lately. I have upped the ante and been consistant disciplined this year. I lift HEAVY and train with intense cardio 5- 6 days a week. My body is changing and I am excited but curious what else I should be ready for? It feels like my fat is shrinking, but I am not sure. My so called "spare tire" is less round and seems to be loosening up and not as tough. I know extra skin in my case in inevitable, but I am not concerned with that yet more so the how the body changes after a lot of weight is lost.

Anyways I wondering for those out there that have lost a significant amount of weight these questions:

What changes did your body go through?

Did your fat in certain places on your body feel softer or squishy? Like it's shrinking?

How long after you reached your goal weight did your body adjust to your new size?

Any thing else you can share about your weight loss body change?

I looked for a thread that answered specifically what I was asking. If you know of one please link me!

Thanks for reading! ;-)


  • rlotze
    rlotze Posts: 29 Member
    This is the second time I've lost weight - the first time was just to lose weight, this time it's to get healthy.
    First time around taught me a bit and might help answer some of your questions.
    Yes - my fat definitely got squishy. It went from being a hard lump of "man muscle" to a bowl of Jelly that Bill Cosby would have been jealous of. Then the jelly slowly melted away.

    I first noticed the weight loss in my face. Then I noticed my huge tub of 'man muscle' was getting smaller, and finally I noticed that when I reached over and scratched my back, I could feel bone instead of blubber. Then finally my veins started bulging out of my arms and I knew I was in a 'good' weight range (I wasn't quite so knowledgeable about BMI/etc at that time).

    This time around I'm 5 years older and besides the change in my face, the first thing I noticed is that when I went to run across a road, I actually ran instead of just walking quickly with an exaggerated Disney character bounce. That one caught me a bit off guard because I didn't try to do it - I just did it.
  • MarleyExodus
    MarleyExodus Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much for responding!

    Yeah, I don't have man muscle, just flub but its def getting softer. Before it use to feel heavier now it feels lighter.

    I wonder what happens next?
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    I am noticing like softer parts too, and it scares me. Are they going to turn into loose skin? That is what frightens me the most, the loose skin. It would really bother me.
  • MarleyExodus
    MarleyExodus Posts: 6 Member
    I know there is no avoiding the loose skin, but I am wondering does the softer parts mean those parts will be the loose skin?

    Can anyone else weigh in on this?
  • I have read that "hard fat" is visceral fat, which means fat throughout your organs, not just over them. This is the most dangerous kind of fat, and I feel I have it as well. I would think hard fat softening up would be a great sign of you loosing the bad visceral fat and getting healthier from the inside out.
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    I know there is no avoiding the loose skin, but I am wondering does the softer parts mean those parts will be the loose skin?

    Can anyone else weigh in on this?

    If so, I think I'd cry. *sigh*
  • I've lost almost 70 lbs in a little over 2 years. Yes, I have gotten much squishier. My boobs shrunk like crazy first, then my butt. My belly and arms and inner/outer thighs are lagging behind. I have lots of loose skin on my belly, arms, and legs due largely to not exercising when I started, I just started in June this year to add in exercise. I'm currently down to a misses 12 from a tight 18w.......... It seems like each time I went down a size, it took my body awhile to adjust to the fat loss and to redistribute the fat throughout my body. A sizes was tight for a long time then one day it's almost too loose. Weird, I know. My feet have shrunk from a 10EE to a 9 1/2-10. And I have veins I can see on my hands and feet (which I HATE) never realized my hands and feet were so boney! Collar bones are also just starting to peek through. Good luck!!!
  • MarleyExodus
    MarleyExodus Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much!

    My hands are boney as well. My stomach and my arms are the softer parts...as well. I was a 22 and now I am a 14 which is too big but I wear it because it can hide my apron. :(

    I hate the apron.

    I guess the only trick is to keep working hard to the bad fat keeps shrinking??
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Have the apron too. Was 266 at my heaviest, lost a bit, got pregnant and then lost a bit more, got pregnant and then really worked hard, GOT PREGNANT WITH TWINS and finally (my twins are seven) taking charge and losing it for me. No more babies, not more excuses. I want to be healthier. Yeah, I have lots of gwishy parts that drive me a bit crazy but, I'm not going for some hot mama award. I'm going for better health.

    I just reached the milestone of under 200 (last time I was under 200 was ten years ago) and it feels good. I can move faster, better, I'm more flexible, I can breath easier, my asthma is better, my hayfever is better, my joints hurt less. So I try not to think about the extra skin, or the apron.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm glad you posted this and I'm going to follow it!
    I have about 20-25 more I want to lose (I'm going for a 10 lb range), and I've noticed some weird stuff, too. Besides feeling "looser" in places, I started getting a weird depression above each knee. I asked my husband about it, and he said it looked like the beginning of muscle definition. In the past few weeks, they've started to lengthen up my thighs... Sure enough, it's muscle definition amid the chub.
    I guess I forgot how muscles look! Lol!
    Great progress, btw! Way to go!
  • In all honesty, I will probably have a tummy tuck and breast augmentation after I hit my gaol and maintain for a year. I, too, would be in an even smaller size if I didn't have the apron. It's so gross! :-(
  • MarleyExodus
    MarleyExodus Posts: 6 Member
    I'm glad you posted this and I'm going to follow it!
    I have about 20-25 more I want to lose (I'm going for a 10 lb range), and I've noticed some weird stuff, too. Besides feeling "looser" in places, I started getting a weird depression above each knee. I asked my husband about it, and he said it looked like the beginning of muscle definition. In the past few weeks, they've started to lengthen up my thighs... Sure enough, it's muscle definition amid the chub.
    I guess I forgot how muscles look! Lol!
    Great progress, btw! Way to go!

    I've still got the apron! BUT I am noticing shadows in my calves and my thighs which is definitely muscle definition. So these shin splints are worth it in the end!

    But yea the tummy is softer I guess that's the fat breaking up? Can anyone describe what that feels like for you?