I need some help/suggestions!!!

So I've fallen off the wagon.... for a couple of months now D:
I haven't exercised in forever!

Now that school has started, I haven't really got the time to exercise in the afternoon.
So I was thinking... perhaps I can exercise in the morning before getting ready.
This sounds like a good plan in my head, but whenever my alarm goes off at 5, I absolutely do not feel like leaving the warm comfort of my bed to start exercising. -___-|||

How can I motivate myself to exercise in the morning? How do I combat my laziness?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I was wondering where you've been haha

    Move your phone or alarm clock away from arms reach so you have to get out of bed to turn it off, that's the biggest struggle with getting up early.
  • I can't help you there...the mornings get me as well! I tend to leave my exercise to the evenings. Instead of charging me up it actually helps me to sleep. But you don't get the same metabolic after burn doing it this way. But I say some exercise is better than none. Good luck.:smile:
  • jon201983
    jon201983 Posts: 20 Member
    make this your alarm clock

  • Soyajam
    Soyajam Posts: 22 Member
    Have you thought about integrating exercise into your day, rather than squeezing it out of the start and end?

    When I was at my most fit, I was going to school too and couldn't be bothered doing actual workouts when I got home - much less than getting my lazy butt up before 7am, but I stayed lean because of the energy i was burning walking 20 minutes each way to school and back! (I didn't realise it then, but I'd opt to do that again in a heartbeat!)

    You may be much further away than a 20 min walk however, so my suggestion would depend on how you get to school.

    Drive - Park further away from your school so you have to walk 15 mins to get to school (Maybe find a secure spot so you can feel safe about the car when you're so far away)

    Being driven - Simply ask the person driving to drop you off a bit earlier than the destination so you can walk the rest of the way, or convince them to do the idea above and walk with you!

    Public Transport - Hop off a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way... it saves you money in fares too!

    Walk as far as you feel comfortable - and but if you do a 15 mins each way, that's half an hour a day of exercise that eventually you won't even notice.

    That's just my take, and boy I wish I'd practice what I preach LOL
  • RCharlotteRose
    RCharlotteRose Posts: 20 Member
    I am so much better at getting up in the mornings and working out than I am going to the gym in the evening, but that has definitely not always been the case.

    I make sure that everything I could possibly need it waiting for me right next to my bed - if it's really cold out then I lay it all out on the radiator so that it is made a little more inviting! Also, all my clothes for the rest of the day are already in my car/in my gym bag.

    What I try to do is make sure I am up, changed and ready to go before my body realises what I have done to it and before I know it I am on my way to the gym!

    The most important thing to stop you hitting the snooze button as much is to get enough sleep the night before. If you get enough sleep you shouldn't feel too groggy when you wake up.

    Once you've done it a few times you'll be fine. I am so much happier the rest of the day if I've managed to get a workout in before I start work.

    Good luck!!!!!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I am so much better at getting up in the mornings and working out than I am going to the gym in the evening, but that has definitely not always been the case.

    What I try to do is make sure I am up, changed and ready to go before my body realises what I have done to it!

    This is basically my strategy. There are also lots of short exercise plans on the internet and free apps so you can start doing just 6 or 7 minutes then build it up to 30 or so.
  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member
    I'm in the same boat, I used to get up at 5 every morning and do a DVD workout, I keep telling me that it is only 20-25 minutes and I should be able to get my *kitten* got of bed and do it....

    I had a friend who used to call me to get moving, it really helped. hubby didn't like it, but oh well it worked...maybe ask a friend to call you that gets up that early????
  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member
    make this your alarm clock


    I just listened to that, that was pretty awesome, thanks!
  • chocolate_totoro
    chocolate_totoro Posts: 827 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for all your help and support!
    I will try exercising tomorrow morning. D:
    Wish me luck! -____-
  • chocolate_totoro
    chocolate_totoro Posts: 827 Member
    make this your alarm clock
