Hello...I am new

Hello all! My name is Rita. In the last 18 yrs I have gone from a size 12 to a size 22. I managed to do so d/t a lot of junk going on in my life, and food was my comfort...so I thought...and also fun. I married 18 yrs ago, quickly after a divorce, my best friend. 18 yrs later he still makes me laugh, and I love to talk with him the most. BUT, he has always been overweight, and we had a great time with each other and food! Add to this that 16 yrs ago we were blessed with a baby born in my 6th month, and he was 1 pound 3 ozs. I was not overweight at the time but developed pre-eclampsia. He was not expected to make it, but thank God, he did! He is 16 and other than some vision problems, is an average young man! However, he was in OSU Hospital the first 3 months oh his life, Living an hour away, and having to go back to work was a challenge. We really began living on fast food as we were on the road from 7 AM until 1 AM! Bad habits took over. Terrible food, plus I stopped walking/jogging after having done so for years was a path to destruction we followed. Here I am, at 56, needing to lose 100 pounds and begin slowly moving again! I am sick and tired of living a lazy lifestyle. I have come to know for myself that 80 percent of my weight problem is in my thoughts. I believe that change must occur mentally, emotionally, spiritually, to get this weight off...that is what I know just for myself! So, for any of you who read this long book, I want to make getting healthy my second job. I am in this for the yr or 2 journey to see the changes come about. No more quick fixes, but no more whining and making excuses! As a former psych nurse was in contact with people in AA, and my dad was an alcoholic. I am studying Overeaters Anonymous books as that group is about ANY bad relationship with food. It is helping me so much! Anyway, thanks to anyone who read this. Sorry so long...I am a talker! I would appreciate support on here as this is serious for me, but I also want to give support. And so this journey goes for all of us! Rita:smile:



  • Harley_Stitches
    Hello, I am Harley :) I just read your post and wow! What a journey in life. I am glad your son made it and your merrige has lastest so long (you see long merriges these days). I just wanted to say I am here to support you yes I am young (15) but I am here for you whenever you need something to try and get you going when your down :)
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Hi Rita, welcome to MFP and your journey. I've only been here about 7 weeks now but have enjoyed the process and the friendships so far. It really is a lifetime commitment and I'm happy to make it at this point in my life. Like you, I had excuses, but I guess they don't really matter now as I've chosen not to make them anymore.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm a little older than you, but have found a great group of friends who check in with each other everyday and share our food diaries so we can help one another. We're all pretty active also and compare notes on what we're doing to burn calories.

    Anyway, good luck.
  • vulcan06
    vulcan06 Posts: 11 Member
    welcome- this is an awesome place to get support and to find friends for the journey- feel free to add me to your base of friends- i have my diary open for friends to view- which I find very helpful- accountability you know- it is also a great way to get ideas- I am always looking for ways to expand my diet- I LOVE FOOD- and i am a VOLUME EATER- so low cal all the way baby- I have lost 40 pounds so far- I struggle all the way, but my reasons are solid and that keeps me going- I need to get weight off my knees- they hurt too much to do much of anything- hence weight gain and feeling miserable!! I have noticed since losing this weight that my knees hurt less AND I am naturally moving faster- big bonus there- I also have more energy- so it is worth it- would love to support you- good luck and stay focused- :happy:
  • needtobefit42
    You have had a rough road. You can do it.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It is a great place to meet people with a common goals. I know that people can be great on the msg boards- and they can be aggressive also- find the people who motivate and help you and you will be successful! Good luck on your journey its a long tough road but you can do it.
  • fallhiker
    fallhiker Posts: 18 Member
    Not sure I am posting in the right place! WOW! THANKS everyone! I am feeling this is a friendly supportive place! I want to be there for you as well.
  • fallhiker
    fallhiker Posts: 18 Member
    thank you! Hey, support and wisdom comes in all ages!
  • ladyredeemed4
    ladyredeemed4 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi Rita, I read your message and first wanted to say wow on your son. What a blessing! We tend to take care of others first and then years later look in the mirror and wonder how we got to this point. I know that we cannot keep being defeated. Add me as a friend - if you want.... : ) Angi
  • KatrinaGrey
    KatrinaGrey Posts: 101 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me :)