Not necessarily fallen off the wagon but....

I need some motivation!!!
I get so caught up in school and life i put the gym on the back burner! I used to go 5 times a week, lost 25lbs and then just go 3-4 times a week now. Im steadily losing weight and I know loss is supposed to slow but I feel like I lack the motivation completely!
I can't be the only one! How do I get back into gym mode? I wana go 4 days a week!!!



  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I'd definitely recommend getting involved in an accountability/support group! I know the accountability really keeps me going!

    Also, start following people who motivate and inspire you in regards to fitness.

    Finally, do you have a goal right now?

    Feel free to friend me and we can chat! :)
  • VAGirl2BFit
    VAGirl2BFit Posts: 27 Member
    I agree. Accountability is so important when you're trying to do something and just coming up short. Buddy up with someone or with a group that does daily check ins. I know that's what helped me before and I'm trying to get back to that myself. It helps when others notice that you didnt post and they are checking in on you. Makes you feel like you're not alone.

    Friend me if you want. I'm just starting out my routine again this week and its going well so far. Hoping it continues.

    Good Luck with staying on track and kicking it up to the 4th day consistently. :)
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Or see if there is a class you can take to force you to go. You may also be getting bored of what you were doing. Look for something new to do at the gym. Cross-fit, Zumba , Bollywood?
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Set reasonable goals for where you are at now, both mentally and physically, so you don't beat yourself up about missing them. Then find support in whatever means work best for you to help attain them (i.e. friends who go with you, a group here, whatever).
  • darcyrees
    darcyrees Posts: 34 Member
    I'd suggest going first thing in the morning. I'd also suggest meeting someone there (or anywhere) for a workout. This could be a personal trainer. Or you could make friends with a group fitness instructor and commit to them that you will attend their class. Or you could meet a friend for a workout, however, you need to meet a friend who will be ticked if you miss...not a super nice understanding friend. I also schedule one sleep-in day during the weekdays.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,008 Member
    I agree joining a class or having someone that is counting on u makes it easier to go. I was having the same problem with my workouts I found a walking group on they meet 5xs a week mon..fri to walk between 3-6 miles and they meet for bunco, bookclubs, margaritas and other yhings too so it has turned out to be such a blessing
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Make some adjustments to your daily habits to make up for the missed gym time. Park as far away as you can from your destination. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Make better food choices to eliminate some calories here and there.

    I pre-log for the day, so I know what to expect and how much I have left over after entering my meals. If I'm short on something, say fat or calories, then I make a slight adjustment. Pre-planning takes just a few minutes at the start of the day, and you can adjust it to match how your day went at the end.
  • NoortjeGrolsch
    NoortjeGrolsch Posts: 16 Member
    I'd suggest going first thing in the morning

    This actually works great for me. I realized that after work, errands, chores... all I felt like doing was going home and relaxing. Specially the thought that if I went to the gym it would take me a couple of extra hours to finally come to that much deserved relaxing time at home or fun out with friends, made me skip several times.

    I never was a morning person, however, since I've been going to the gym in the morning before work regularly, I don't struggle to get up anymore. I get up, eat breakfast and hit the gym, and I arrive to work much more energized and with the peace of mind of having checked that out of my list already.

    I also got a boost by changing from my gym playlist to podcasts. Even though they are my favourite songs, I was unconsciously bored of the same playlist over and over (my mp3 can only hold so many songs, and in a week I've been through them all twice). Since I switched to podcasts I have one more reason to hit the gym because I will be listening to something new, fun and interesting.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Find a workout plan that makes you go for 4 days, work different parts so it doesnt get boring, think how better you will do in school feeling accomplished everyday you study your body in the mirror and see a strong fit dedicated woman!!