Antibiotics & Steroids

I am taking antibiotics & steroids for a sinus infection, but the medicine I am taking is making me sick. I don't have the strength to workout & I feel yucky. I haven't been to the gym in 3 days, and I sorta feel my appetite picking up. I don't know what to do, any suggestions!


  • JenEJen
    My doctor told me to eat yogurt when I take my antibiotics because it will keep my stomach from getting upset. It works for me...maybe it will work for you! Hope it helps!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I went to the doctor yesterday and I have bronchitis so I was also put on antibiotics. The doctor told me that I am NOT supposed to work out until I am better. That being said, I am not sure if that is because I am sick in general or if it is because it is a respiratory illness and she doesn't want me doing anything to aggravate my breathing further. Regardless, I posted a similar topic the other day and the general consensus was to let my body rest, eat healthy, and drink LOTS of fluids.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    You need to tell your Dr maybe he can change your medicine it may not agree with your body
  • Margarette
    Margarette Posts: 69 Member
    It may very well be the steroids if it is prednisone. That med can do some very screwed up things to a person. I know i used to be on it a lot! You can call your doc and tell them if this is the case but in all honesty if you are prescribed prednisone its because you really need it. The doctors know it screws with you. But for me I know it kept me out of the hospital many a times. Oh and when I didn't take it and wound up at the hospital I just got it IV. So call the doc but listen to him if he says stay on it!