Second time round after Knee Surgery

Hey everyone,

my first post so don't know what I should be writing.

This is my 2nd attempt at major weightloss this year!! I started really focussing and succeeding 8 weeks before my wedding in August this year!! The fact my wedding dress didn't even fit over my head was enough motivation I needed to lose 3 stone 9 lbs in 8 weeks and feel like a 50's vintage princess on my wedding day!!

4 weeks later I had to have a knee operation so my exercise and healthy eating went completely to pot!! and im now 11 weeks after the wedding and when I last weighed myself had put on 23lbs in 11 weeks by being lazy!!

I started back to my healthy eating on Monday, and have already lost 4.25lbs. The only thing Im going to struggle with is exercise since the op I cant do much exercise and am going to be even stricter on the no treats!!

Im open to anyones help and suggestions that could keep me going through quite a tough time!!!

My goals are lose 30lbs by xmas, then the last 33lbs by 20th April 2014, my 25th Birthday!!



  • SteveCabral94
    SteveCabral94 Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome back, My second time around also after injury.
    Add me if you like
  • JaneGS93
    I've had knee surgery as well! What was it for if I may ask? I had torn my ACL and so they had me in a lot of therapy for it. If you are also in physical therapy I would count that as exercise. It's not high heart rate stuff but you are being active. Also, Your arms are great to work on when your legs aren't!