Workout Buddy Needed

I've been working out on my own, at home, a little inconsistently for a year and a half now. I've done Jillian Michaels DVD's, C25K, and have just begun YAYOG (yay getting stronger). I have nebulous goals of increased fitness, I only have about 10 lbs to lose and basically want to decrease BF% to around 19%. I really think if I had someone doing the same workouts and working toward the same goals I'd be a lot more successful. No one in my social group IRL has any interest in exercise or counting calories and I'm really starting to feel that absence. Can I get some MFP love?


  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
  • reveerie
    reveerie Posts: 16 Member
    Hey, it is good to know that you are working out from one year, even if it is inconsistent. I wish to lose around 10 - 12 pounds , get bfp down and tone up. I have never tried any of the workouts you mentioned, although i have all dvds with me. I would like to start one or two simultaneously. Which of these would you suggest to begin with?
    My height 5-4.5
    SW 136.5
    CW 130.5
    GW 119 - 120
    Fat areas - lower body and abdomen.

    I am looking for a workout partner and would love to keep a track...

    Currently i hit the gym alternate days , mostly for running 5k (400 - 600 calories) on treadmill and keep track of calories and try to keep carbs moderate by adding some fruits and veggies.

    Would love to do much more.....
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    The 30 Day Shred was good for just getting into exercising. My arms and waist showed pretty good improvement.

    Ripped in 30 progresses rapidly. Super challenging, but more interesting because you only do each level for a week.

    6 week 6 pack I threw in while I was doing the other videos to keep from getting bored. It had a much faster pace which I really enjoyed.
  • Fireladymai
    I weigh 126 Pounds and I'm about 5.1'. I really really need to get some weight off from my entire body. I want to lose 20-25 pounds. I've tried to work out before, but I've been giving up on it real quick. So, if i have a partner I'm guessing I'll show some improvement.
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi there! I'm 5'6" and I'm pretty anti scale so I haven't weighed in about a month. Yesterday I hopped back on MFP because I've become to relaxed and inconsistent. I have previously done 30DS and RI30... I also did crossfit for 6 months which I loved but had to stop due to a change in schedule which made it more difficult. I really love lifting, I have my own bench at home and dumbbells. I haven't worked out at all in 3 weeks and very inconsistently the past 4 months...and my body has definitely lost all the progress :( I'm pretty anti scale especially when lifting because obviously your changing composition and replacing fat which can make the damn scale stay the same. And I fluctuate soooo much day to day anyways. But since I'm recommitting myself .., I will start weighing once a week. What kind of workouts will you be doing?
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    I'm always up for new friends to motivate me! I'm at my goal weight and I'm just trying to lower bf%.

    I do alot of what you are doing, so let's team up! FR sent :)
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    Hi, BJC78.

    I'm currently getting going with Body by You. It's a body weight lifting program which I chose because I don't have the $ to spend on a gym membership or equipment, but REALLY want to lift to get my body composition where I want it. If the book is to be believed I'll get better results doing it this way. We shall see. I've just done my evaluations to see where to start and am amped to get my muscles growing and my fat cells shrinking. I usually weigh/measure myself once a week on Fridays. The number on the scale isn't really where my focus is, but looking at that along with my measurement data gives me a good idea of where my BF% is and if I'm making progress. I'm sending you a FR so we can support each other!