College student

I am a college student an its so hard trying to stay motivated when everyone around me is eating what they want not gaining a pound. Plus we have a small gym an it always fill with athletes that just stare at you like why are you here. Idk what to do but I know I have to get this weight off so I can start feeling better about myself! I can never stay motivated an always putting it off. its sad.

I just need some guidance an some help. If I could afford a trainer I would but that's not going to happen anytime soon. I just need some help I guess.


  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    A a college student, I can only tell advise you to find a friend to do sports with. Doesn't have to be something big. Go for long walks together, or join a sports course you like...
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    You have to remember that, at the end of the day, it's just you. You can't hold other people accountable for what they eat; the only person you can hold accountable is yourself. So don't worry about them.

    The same applies to the gym, really--people are always going to look and judge and generally be, well, people, but feeling self-conscious definitely makes it worse. I will say that it can be tough working out if you feel like everyone's looking at you. Are you able to work out in your room/dorm? Working out at home a little first might give you the boost you need to start going to the gym.
  • shellsies93
    I understand about the gym...what i do is i get to school early and just walk around. I take the long way to classes, take the stairs, and park in the back lots. There was one time that i walked the whole parking garage, including the stairs and that took almost an hour. I just walk around..a lot. It's possible to get a workout without going to the gym.

    I also understand the fact that everyone around you is eating junk food and you have to constantly be around them and smell it. That i would say take a day at a time, it's super hard the first few times to say no and ignore it but after a while, and you find foods that you like that are healthier, it's easier to say no and just walk away from it. sometimes the smell doesn't even bother you...but it takes a while

    good luck hun!
  • inverseofmissy
    inverseofmissy Posts: 114 Member
    You are in control and you can't find reasons why it won't work- you have to find the reasons why it will work. Focus on success and make the changes you need to make to get the results you want.
    If you aren't comfortable in the gym I agree with the previous people- maybe find a way to workout elsewhere. I can't afford a gym membership and I don't have time to devote to the gym, besides I was giving myself anxiety just thinking about going to a gym, so I've decided to start with just walking. Whenever I realize I have a chunk of free time it takes me all of 5 mins to change clothes and get out the door. I am a college student as well, although I'm not exactly living the college lifestyle (I'm a stay at home mother with 3 young children) but IMO college campuses are a great place to walk, do stairs in the parking garages, etc.
    Personally, if I try to switch to super healthy whole foods and a strict workout schedule I will fail- I get really into it for a short period of time and then I can't maintain it. So I have found that starting slow works best for me. Give yourself a couple weeks of making better food choices until you learn what are better options and what to avoid. Once you get comfortable with that then mix in the exercise. For me, my workouts have to be flexible so walking was an easy choice. Instead of saying I will do this long of a walk so many times a week, I have given myself a monthly goal to work towards and I can break that up however I need to.
    Your plan has to fit your life and your personality :) What works for others may not work for you and that's okay!
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    I felt the same way when I first started going to the gym, like everyone was staring at me. The best way I learned to fight this was to bring my Ipod and put my favorite music on it. I began telling myself "I'm not here to impress them, I dont give a heck what they think about me". Remember you're doing it for YOU not for THEM. At one point they were that person who walked in and felt like people were looking at them too. We all start from somewhere. Maybe they find you attractive, I know for me I try to practice good gym etiquette and not stare but if a good looking woman comes in sometimes I can't help myself. I try not to be so blatant about it.