40 Something Lady needing to lose weight!

Hi everyone! My name is Kate and I am really determined to get the weight off! I'm looking for friends, guys or gals, who also want to get healthy, lose some weight and exchange ideas on staying healthy. I am weighing in at 250 this morning and I want to get down to 185. That would make me so happy!

I love the outdoors, going for walks, I draw and love photography. I want to learn to cook healthy foods.

Well, I've been told I have a good sense of humor and am a good listener!

Hope to find some friends here!



  • suzely0530
    suzely0530 Posts: 150 Member
    Friend request sent :)
  • JuiceBars
    JuiceBars Posts: 78 Member
    I am 50 something and have almost reached my goal. I am looking for a few new friends that are in it to win it! Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Momwidomski
    Momwidomski Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Kate! Be happy to help you in any way I can and welcome aboard. For myself I have found this to be a tool. It will help keep you honest as to what you are eating. I started out with a 1,200 calorie base as that is what my doctor had recommended. At the time I was also using my recumbent bike a couple times a week, but I had grandbabies here during the week and I do love to walk, soooo, I have a stroller (for little one) and would take my walks around blocks, to the little playground a block from my house, etc. I love to walk as well.
    I stuck with the 1,200 caloric intake for two months, I lost several pounds, more in inches though. I had already been diagnosed with osteoporosis three years prior and had taken Actonel for a year and Fosomax for a bit more than a year. The Fosomax had given me so much pain in the back and hip area that I found I could not walk a block anymore. This was a side effect from the meds and though I was told not to stop the meds due to risk of falling or breaking bones I did stop the Fosomax. Now this is long before the problems associated with the drug had been realized by physicians. It took about four months before I felt normal again and was able to walk a few blocks again. During this time period, I gained about 25 pounds as well.
    Exercise was so painful that I could not do it. I had been told that resistance exercises would build muscle and help the arthritis. And for a time it did help. However, once the arthritis spread to a full knee cap on one leg (verified by MRI's) I was told by orthopedic surgeon to slow down on the cycling altogether and go back to walking instead. Then I was given different exercises to do and some can be done laying down in bed. Great for me since I could no longer get up and down off the floor. They are flexing type with leg lifts, up and down, side to side, flexing the toes and feet as well. I try to do those every day and I feel a whole lot better too.

    After two months I began feeling deprived, like I was on a diet and was missing something. I had regimented what I was eating because it was easier to track the calories that way. I read up some more on food plans like the Mediterrean Diet which is a lot of salad and veggies. I began making salads every day, found Ken's lite salad dressings to be a life savor. I found a new way of eating...making my salad my main meal then adding to it. Maybe a few chicken nuggets on top, or grilled chicken on top. Land O Frost lean lunch meats are low in calories and make awesome chef's salads. Anyway, I began to add some variety, cut out white flour, cut out high fructose corn syrup and had to cut way back on sugar. I was prediabetic, too. But I was also on cholesterol meds since my mid 30's. Now statin drugs are being linked to diabetes. I know I need to take them because diet changes made no difference for me in blood work. After two months I increased to 1,300 calories and found that although this was more of a maintenance for me I still lost some weight because I was able to get out and walk again. I found more choices with foods by adding back the 100 calories I needed. I still lose a pound here and there, but it has become a lifestyle change vs. being on a diet. Thinking has changed. I have found great recipes online through Taste of Home that give me great crock pot meals and delicious recipes for veggies.

    So there you have it! I have found sugar free things like Smucker's toppings, low carb ice cream, apples and caramel (sugar free) are a favorite snack. Crackers are allowed, because I allow them now. I just read boxes to see what a normal serving really is. I previously never looked! I have seen posts on this blog that are soooo serious that you would feel ashamed to share what you had for a meal because some diehard said this program cannot be done any other way but their way. Not so. Document everything that goes into your mouth. You will be surprised. In the beginning try weighing out four to six ounces of a protein. Try vanilla flavored Almond Milk and if you need it sweeter, a pack of Truvia works fine. It makes delicious milkshake in blender with a handful of frozen blueberries. Almond milk is great on cereal, too. There are things you can do to make this a new way of life without feeling deprived. You will feel better inside and out. If you have a day where you went over your calorie intake then you start fresh the next day.