in need of help and motivation

I currently weigh 270lbs and I'm wanting to change everything about me. I was asked to be a bridesmaid for my friend's wedding in August 2014. To feel confident with my body, I would like to lose 70+lbs. I want to become healthy so I can one day have a family and be able to run around with my future children. Is there anyone out there that can support and offer me some advice? I'd greatly appreciate it.


  • kayla_who
    kayla_who Posts: 540 Member
    Reading up on the message boards everyday helps me. And looking at all the success stories. Add me if you like :)
  • mjmjmmkas74
    I completly get what you are saying. I was 271 when I first got started. I have really started making a commitment to myself to get healthier and document the food intake BEFORE I actually eat it. This way i can see the effect it has on my day to determine if it is worth it, or go with something less calorie dense. I have now lost 9 pounds which might not sound like alot but to me it is.
    I recently got to my highest weight EVER of 275 lbs!! Im barely down to 264 but Im trying. Im 24, 5'0 and want to get down to 135 lbs. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • tmariethomas5
    Try to break it down into a reasonable way - there are about 32 weeks between now and the end of July, give or take. If you work on losing 2 pounds a week, which I think is realistic - that's 64 pounds. Not quite your goal, but some weeks you may lose a bit more and will likely get to your 70. For each pound, which is worth about 3500 calories, you can look at a combination of eating lighter and exercising more. Two pounds a week is about 1000 calories a day either burned off with exercise or a cut below previous eating habits. Eat enough not to go in to that "starvation mode" and exercise when and where you can. Walk the block, take the stairs, dance in the living room, park in the way back of the lot, play more! Good luck!