Why wait 'til New Years? Join me in NEWvember!

I'm tired of waiting for the right time to make a change, to improve my life and health, to stop procrastinating.

So I've decided that my November will be a NEWvember, where I redesign myself from the inside out. I considered the things I don't particularly like about myself or my life, and this November, I'm going to attack them all head on. Forming a more stable sleep habit, exercising 20+ minutes each morning with varied workouts to target different muscles and intentions, cutting down on alcohol consumption while still allowing myself to have a great time... things like that.

My NEWvember goal is to lose 4 kg (9 lbs). I know I can do it on my own, we all can, but some extra motivation is always, well, motivating! :flowerforyou: Feel free to add me to your friends, and let's keep each other going, maybe even after NEWvember and into MEcember! :huh:


  • I like the newvember idea! Count me in!
  • annabanana321x
    annabanana321x Posts: 7 Member
    I adore this idea. I have a stone exactly to lose to be at a healthy BMI (I'm currently at a BMI of 27) so this is just what I need to get going. I'm hoping to lost 3/4 pounds during November. I'm aiming at 1500 calories a day and exercise 3/4 times a week. I have a hatred for gyms so Zumba/walking/jogging are my main ways of getting exercise :)
  • murphey21
    murphey21 Posts: 126 Member
    Always need the motivation and new friends and love the newvember idea! Count me in too! I really need to refocus on eating better and exercising more!
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    what a great name! I love it! My goal is to lose 6 lbs in November.
  • arserine
    arserine Posts: 63 Member
    Awesome idea! Feel free to add me too!
  • Cymril
    Cymril Posts: 2 Member
    This Newvember thing was just a silly name I thought of, but sometimes that's all you need in order to create an image of what you want to do or be, and get things started! For me, just defining a period of time where I focus on a goal might be enough to keep me going, and hopefully form a lifelong habit.

    My goal for November is to lose 3-4 kg, but more important is feeling comfortable in my own skin, and feeling like I can stick to whatever I set my mind to. Guess we'll know how that went on Dec. 1st!

    Good luck, everyone, and let me know how your Newvember goes!
  • You can add me if you want. Anyone can I need some friends to keep me motivated. I plan to lose at least 4 lbs in November.
  • bniebel10
    bniebel10 Posts: 4 Member
    Love the name!! My goal is to lose 10 lbs this November. Good luck all :)
