Short 5 feet ladies... what is your goal weight?



  • SarahSarcasmX
    SarahSarcasmX Posts: 13 Member
    I am 5'2" and my goal weight is 120. The smallest I have been was 111 lbs but I was 19. 6 months after I had my daughter (when I was 21) I was down to around 120. Fast forward 10 years. I am about 127 lbs (down from 140) and I get pregnant with my 2nd child. I gained 47 lbs with him :( I was 173 on the day I had him. I am now 144 lbs and would like to lose 24 lbs to be at 120.
  • BBales86
    BBales86 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'1" and my goal weight is 160lbs right now. I am starting out at 207lbs. Ultimately I would like to get to 140 though.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm just barely 5'2", small framed, and my fit weight has always been between 98 and 103 (with low, but not too low bodyfat). After giving birth I weighed around 115. I eat no less than 1900 calories a day and I lift weights.
  • I am 5 foot 1 and I am now at 162 about 1 month into my Myfitnesspal journey my starting weight was 171. My first goal is 135 but I eventually want to get to 125 or 120...maybe even lower. I was 110 before I got pregnant but that was so long ago I have my doubts ill ever get that low again. But one day maybe :)
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    Hi!! I am 5'1" currently pregnant but before I got down to 120-125 then gained some before this pregnancy. My goal is to get back to 120-125 after the baby. You can add me, I love motivating friends!
  • spx911
    spx911 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5'2" starting weight is 235. My UGW is currently 150, but when I was in my early 20's I would stay around 130-135 - lol I thought I was big THEN.....
  • I'm 5'2" and down to just under 126... Just reset my goal to between 115-120. Going slow for this last push, but feeling good. I keep breaking out more of my old "skinny clothes" and they are fitting, and a bunch are loose fitting. I am getting there!
  • 5'1" here... I've been at 113-114lbs. for years... my goal weight is 110, but I've just never been able to reach it!! I've gotten to 112, but when I reach that I literally feel like I'm starving to death!!
    I've recently started lifting weights and toning and my weight hasn't moved, but my inches are down a bit.
  • kmccormick42
    kmccormick42 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm 5' even and started at 165 about a year & a half ago. I was a size 6 when my son was born and then I steadily gained over the next 11 years. My goal was 115. I'm at 104 now and actually wanting to at least at 110. Probably need to update my pic as that is from last June, not sure what I was weighing then but I'm wearing a size 6 shorts in that pic.
  • mhoeff1
    mhoeff1 Posts: 163 Member
    I AM 5'3' and my goal is 125-130 BUT WOULD LOVE TO BE MORE AROUND 120. I am small boned smaller upper body larger lower hips thighs butt! So pear shaped. I will be lifting weights so I know muscle weighs more than fat. SO when I get closer I will adjust would like to be in a small top and a size 7-8 jeans. When I weighed 125 I wore a size 9-10 so maybe with some toning I can get there. Good luck everyone on your goals.
  • Parsniphead
    Parsniphead Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5ft 2in and I'm currently 163lbs. I'm aiming for 118lbs. Today is my first day (again).
  • tmw1018
    tmw1018 Posts: 9 Member
    I started at 150 and had an original goal of 128 (a leftover from my lifetime goal with WW). I've made it down to 122 and think that 118 is a better target. I am 5'0.
  • I am about 5 feet exactly. Have been since about 5th grade, lol. I think the smallest I have ever been was about 125. Before that I was probably about 150 and thought I looked "okay". I lost weight swimming 7 days a week and weight training 3 days a week and running/dry land training on top of that. I was in HS and barely eating because I was so busy. Everyone noticed I lost weight and I enjoyed the attention, but I don't think that kind of eating and working out schedule is normal or practical. My Doctor did say it's possible to "weigh what you weighed in highschool forever." That being said I gained 90lbs in the 10 years after highschool!!! I have lost about 30 now but do not see 125 as a realistic goal. I have always had people call me "big boned, curvy, or thick" and honestly didn't look that great at 125. I think that I would look good at 140 but that is still considered overweight for somebody my height. I find being so short very frustrating. People who are taller burn more calories and need more calories and can carry their weight better. I'm hoping that I can lose another 30lbs and maybe when I do that I will want to lose ANOTHER 30 but I don't see that happening... I kind of forget how I looked at smaller weights and don't have very many full body pics. Whenever I see a cute short girl with some meat on her bones I want to ask her how much she weighs lol.
  • 5 feet here, CW is 147, my GW is 118 but my UGW is 110. :-)
  • afrodizzia
    afrodizzia Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my target is 130lb although 110 would be nice. I probably wont be happy with my body composition at this weight so will shift my focus to strength training.
  • vanryswicksl
    vanryswicksl Posts: 16 Member
    4'11" here and started at 145 with a goal of 130, almost there at 132, but ultimate goal is around 125 and to start toning up since I'm at 34% body fat. I'm 35 and have two children (2 & 4) so trying to get down into the healthy zone so that I have the energy to keep up with them.
  • Bumblebee3441
    Bumblebee3441 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 5'1" and I'm starting over "again" today. My SW is 198, MGW 188 (by Thanksgiving) and UGW is 115.
  • I am 4'10 and I weigh 155. I just had a baby 6 weeks ago, but before my pregnancy I fluctuated between 135-138. Before I got pregnant, I was wearing size 9 jeans, now I'm in size 11's! This is the heaviest I've ever been. My goal weight is 105 lbs. As I am naturally curvy, having wide hips and thicker thighs no matter how much I weigh, I think 105 is a good weight.
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    I'm 5'1" and my goal is somewhere between 115-119 lbs.
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    Probably posted here before but i am 5'0 and my goal weight is 115 but I am shooting for 110. I am 118 now. I got to 114 a couple months ago but gained during half marathon training...
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