Advice for becoming more of a morning person?



  • kshengst
    kshengst Posts: 10 Member
    I keep a cup of coffee or a 5hr by the bed. I set my first alarm for 10 to 15 minutes earlier than I want to be up. As soon as the first alarm goes off, I slam the coffee or have a sip (only a sip!) of the 5hr. One five hour will last a few days. I keep a bottle of water by the bed as well and drink 10 swallows of it. Start stretching, tightening and relaxing your muscles while still in bed. The second alarm is across the room so I do actually have to get up just to turn it off.

    I have a set bedtime and a set time to get up no matter what. On weekends, I only let myself sleep an hour or so later to stay in the routine...even if I was up to watch the sun rise.

    It took a few weeks for this schedule to become routine. Most of the time now I don't need the coffee until I'm up and about and the 5hr will sit unopened usually until the end of the week.

    Good luck!
  • IhScoutII
    IhScoutII Posts: 162 Member
    I never was a morning person..but I am now..
    1st go to bed a little earlier than normal.
    2nd your going to have to make yourself get up and stick with it!
    3rd Stick with it!
    4th it will take time....
    Eventually your body will get used to it physically and mentally and you won't be able to sleep in any more:drinker:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Not a morning person, never have been, and never will be. However, what works the best is consistency. You do not put your alarm anywhere close you can hit the snooze button, and fight fight the sleepy brain. If you can get someone to help you get up that always helps. Get at least 6hrs of sleep if not more.

    My poor fiance has to push on me multiple times for me to move.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    HAVE KIDS LOL, that's what made me a morning person,

    That's what did it for me!

    Same for me. But why would you want to be a morning person? Mornings suck. Unless you're in a Folgers commercial, and bacon also happens to be sizzling in the frying pan.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    I am not a morning person, and I've sort of given up on the thought that I ever might be.

    As for making healthy choices on the run though... that I have found a solution. Make your breakfast and your lunch before you go to bed at night so when you wake up and have 15 minutes to run out the door all you have to do is eat, get ready, grab your lunch, and go.
  • 2sexilexi
    I need help with this too. It feels so good when you get a lot accomplished by noon. Cold, cloudy days like today don't help.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Since daylight savings is this weekend, just keep getting up at the same time and it'll be an hour earlier on the clock.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    HAVE KIDS LOL, that's what made me a morning person,

    That's what did it for me!

    Yup...that's really the only tried and true formula....

    In all seriousness OP, I think you either are or aren't...most of us I think do it out of necessity. Honestly, I hate the actual act of getting up...but once I'm up then I'm up and it's all good...and I do enjoy a good sunrise.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    Learn to LOVE the mornings! I am a total morning person - I get up at 4:30 - 5 everyday. I love the quiet of morning, the sunrise, coffee...before I rush out to the gym (that makes mornings hard for me) I have coffee, plan my day, peruse the interwebs...

    Eventually it will turn into a habit. But some people ARE NOT morning people - I have friends who get tons of crap done at night and stay up until 11 - I am LONG asleep by then. Unless you think not getting up early is damaging to you, I would say if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Just make your breakfast the night before so you can grab and go in the morning. :)
  • queezle_sister
    queezle_sister Posts: 33 Member
    Go to bed at 9:30, and use one of those alarms that times your wake-up to coincide with a particular point in your sleep cycle. The first time I used this, I couldn't believe how great I felt, despite a short sleep time. You can download a free app that will do it for most smart phones.
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    I dunno, I've always loved that extra free time I feel I have when I wake up early in the morning. I love new days. Unfortunately that vigor is gone by noon and I just want to sleep. -_- Then the sun sets and I'm hyper again. I wish I knew what was wrong.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I am a morning person and live with 3 non morning people. I have tried everything I can to help them have a better attitude in the morning and be motivated upon rising.

    I find that taking a shower in the morning helps you wake up. Drinking coffee. Pretending like you have something exciting scheduled for that morning. Getting up before others and having quiet time is the best reward. It is nice to have 2+ hours to just do as I want, Collect my thoughts.

    I wake up automattically at the same time every morning, no alarm clock, no matter what time I went to bed. I'm not the best sleeper and sometimes can't sleep but i still get up early. I think that comes with age.

    Have a glass of water by the bed and drink some in the morning when you go for your morning pee.

    You could also set a routine for the morning so you feel as if you "have something to do": read, workout, internet forums, coffee, wash clothes, whatever.

    Good luck. I know my 2 kids and husband will never be morning people.
  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    Since daylight savings is this weekend, just keep getting up at the same time and it'll be an hour earlier on the clock.

  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Since daylight savings is this weekend, just keep getting up at the same time and it'll be an hour earlier on the clock.

    Excellent idea!!
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Assuming you have time at night I say why change? The best time to workout is one you can actually stick to. That's different for everyone. Fit your workouts and your eating habits around a schedule that works for you. If that means working out after work and preparing meals in advance in the evenings or in bulk on the weekends then do that instead. If you find yourself having as much trouble getting motivated after work or on a lazy Sunday as you do in the mornings then there's a bigger issue that goes beyond the time of day.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I struggle with it too. For me to get my workout in requires getting up around 4:15am. I have stretches where I do great, others not so much... I struggle getting enough sleep and if I'm really sleepy it's so hard to get out of bed!!

    What helps me...
    - As numerous people have said, just "do it"! Commit to a full week and see how you feel. You'll get used to the time and it will become more automatic.
    - Have your workout clothes laid out the night before. Be sure you have some layers or a couple options if needed in case it's warm/cold/whatever...
    - Put something in the crockpot the night before... numerous oat/oameal recipes out on the web. Or have something premade such as hardboiled eggs... pair with some quick cook turkey sausage and an english muffin, fruit - breakfast in less than 10 min. Have your coffee on a timer to go off when you want to wake up.
    - I will take ON Amino Energy, but anything with a bit of caffeine can help get the body moving.
    - Put your earbuds in and start cranking some great music as your getting out of bed and getting ready to get you in the mood.
    - Set a calendar alarm or note to alert you at your wakeup time with an inspiring message, such as "You can do it!" or "It's going to be a great day beautiful!"
    - Check a sleep rhythm calculator to see when you should go to sleep/wakeup based on our natural sleep rhythms. Most people get to little or too much sleep, both of which will leave you tired. Sleep cycles are around 1.5 hours... if you wake up in the middle of one you'll likely be tired. Keep in mind it takes about 15min to fall alseep, so the count would start then.

    Good luck... can't wait to see other tips & tricks!!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I never wanted to get up early for a workout, until a few months ago. I prepared myself by setting my alarm 45 min earlier than normal. For a week I did this but didn't get up to work out, I was just getting my body and mind adjusted. The following week I was up every morning to do my t25. I have done well with a morning workout and will sometimes get in a pm one to bc I have so much more energy. It is what works for you. I was finding when I went back to work the end of August it was hard to get in a workout at all and now I've adjusted and if I for some reason don't get up early in the am I will still get in a workout after work now bc it's part of me and my routine. Yesterday I didn't work out in the am but I made it to a Zumba class in the evening.
    BTW I love my bed especially now that it is colder and darker in the mornings
  • PeaceHappinessBalance
    Get as much prepared as you can the night before. Have a plan for your breakfast, have your coffee cup under the coffee machine ready to go. Go to bed about the same time everynight and wake up about the same time everyday, even on weekends. Lay your clothes and gear out at night as well. First thing I do I drink some coffee. Eventually your body and mind will get used to this and it will become easy. Also tell yourself that after the first 10 minutes of your workout you will probably feel MUCH more energy and motivation.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Lots of great's one more...

    Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get up out of bed to turn it off. Getting out of bed is the hardest part (for me at least). Once my feet hit the floor and I'm out from under the covers, it's easier to get going.
  • caitmarshhh
    caitmarshhh Posts: 69 Member
    I just downloaded a new alarm clock app on my phone... the alarm won't go off until I turn a light on. This forces me to get up to turn the light on and once it's on the brightness helps wake me up. It seems to be working so far. Before that, I tried setting multiple alarms, setting my alarm for 30 minutes before I actually had to be up, and other things like that but they didn't seem to help, no matter how early I went to bed the night before.